Chapter 30

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Here we go my lovely little fishies, the last chapter DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN. But keep your eyes peeled, because there is currently a sequel in the planning stages :D Comment with ideas on title names pretty pretty please!!!!!!!

Niall's POV

We zoomed past Cortez Mansion gates and quickly zoomed up to the front of the house. We saw the black van outside the house. I saw blood all over the van and I felt sick. Was that Bridget’s blood? I prayed to God it wasn’t. Carolina was there with the butler and little George and they ran into James’ arms. Carolina sobbed.

“What happened Lina?” He asked her urgently.

“T-they came. Th-threatened to kill George if we didn’t go out… I s-saw A-Ali, Br-Bridget and K-Kate being d-dragged in! They are so hurt James!” Carolina wailed.

George looked at up and pointed to the balcony. We all looked up to see Ali up there with Marcus. I met Marcus once with Danielle a few months ago before she cheated on Liam with him. I saw Liam’s furious expression. He held her up by her hair and held a knife to her throat. She struggled with him but he held her still. Her blouse was slightly opened and it was torn pretty badly. She seemed slightly dazed as well. I knew that look. She was knocked unconscious only an hour ago. I had seen it with one of my friend Harrison back when we were little.

James looked furious. I saw a sniper in the trees pointing at Marcus. I hoped he got him. Where the hell was Bridget?

“Ali! I need you to work the right case with me” I heard James call out. I looked at him confused. I think all of us did. What the hell did he mean? I wanted to ask him but he was too absorbed with getting something to Ali. She barely nodded.

There was a few seconds of no movement but finally Ali moved. She must’ve kicked him or something because he yelled in pain. She ducked down as he tried to stab her. He stood up but before he could do anything, he was shot in the back by the sniper. I was felt horrified as I watched Marcus crumple onto the floor.

“Go!” James yelled and the CIA agents bursted into the house, yelling out orders to each other. I ran inside, ignoring the shouts from police. I instantly ran up the stairs.

“GOD! NO! HELP!” I heard Bridget yell out.

I ran into where she was being attacked by one of the girls. I instantly knew who she was. Danielle. She held a gun up to Bridget. I felt shock course through my body. I felt as if my body was moving on its own will. I ran and stood in front of Bridget, the bullet pierced my chest. Pain consumed my whole body; I screamed in pain and crumbled to the ground. I heard another shot as Liam came into the room. He yelled something out the door and the Medics came rushing in. They picked me up and I felt Bridget’s hand slip into mine.

“Don’t you dare die on me Niall Horan!” She sobbed and hobbled a long, following me out of the room.

I saw one of the medics look at Bridget and began to attend to her wounds. I saw Ali being placed in another ambulance with Liam sobbing by her side. I saw Bridget look at me, her eyes shining love, relief and pain. I slipped into unconsciousness, happy that I had my love back.


I woke up a few hours later in a hospital bed with Bridget beside me, her hands stroking my face. She cried in relief when I woke up and attacked me with a hug. She sobbed into my good shoulder.

“Don’t you dare take a bullet for me ever again Niall!” She sobbed.

I awkwardly hugged her with one arm, letting her know I was here and it is all over now. Bridget’s parents walked in on us (Not like that you dirty minded people) like this. They softened when they saw her hug me. They tried to pry their daughter off me but she refused to let me go so I sat up, allowing her to be more comfortable.

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