Chapter 22

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Hello my little Fishies, things are getting interesting aren't they!!!!!!!! oooooooooo I can;t wait until you read this chapter!!!!!!!! SOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!! WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, I GIVE YOU CHAPTER 22 (lol I'm a poet and I didn't know it)

Louis' POV

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN SHE WAS KIDNAPPED?!” I yelled at one of the security guards.

He didn’t even flinch. Liam was literally going to wear a hole in carpet if he kept pacing. Niall was crying his eyes out on the couch. Zayn and Harry just seemed frozen. Their faces spread the look of outrage. Simon was pacing as well as Liam. Paul had just left the room to contact families.

“The family is on their way” Paul said to us as he entered the room again.

I knew he was thinking about the possibilities. If his son was taken, what would he do? What would happen to him? How would he track them down? I felt questions similar to these swimming in my own head.

At that moment, a man and a woman came into the room carrying their five year old son. The man had dark brown hair with thick eyebrows. His clothing was definably for an uptown store such as Alexander McQueen. The lady beside him had a Gucci dress, which happened to be white with a black metallic belt on with a pair of 5 inch heel black stilettos her brown hair was pony tail. Her skin was tanned which went well with her dark blue eyes. Their son had messy born hair and was quite skinny for his age. He wore kids Gucci outfit.

“Mr and Mrs Cortez?” Liam asked them, shock evident in his voice. They both nodded and set their son down on the couch.

“I told my driver to drop off the families at Louis apartment. I hope this is ok with you Louis.” The man said, looking at me in the eyes. I nodded having a feeling that this man was used to getting things done quickly and efficiently. He nodded.

“Paul” The man said happily to our head of security. Paul grinned and pulled the man into a hug.

“Good to see you James. You too Carolina” He said to the Man and his wife. They smiled at Paul.

“I’m glad you’re here James. We really will need all the help we can get” Paul said to James. James nodded at his friend before searching the area, his trained eyes glancing at the room.

“Are you sure we can trust James?” Simon whispered to Paul. Paul nodded.

“James is a CIA agent. He also happens to specialize in kidnapping and hostage situations. He is the best.” Paul said proudly but then deflated a little.

“He also happens to be Ali’s godfather” He said sadly. I whipped over to look at James. I couldn’t imagine what it was like for him. Rescuing other kids and yet barely managing to save a child you considered your own. He looked at the phones for a split second.

“Did anyone think to check the phones?” James demanded. We shook our heads.

“We were going to wait for police…” Harry began to say.

“Police will do nothing good in this situation. This was obviously planned out” He said to us. This guy was superstitious, I could tell. He flipped open Kate’s phone and sighed.

“He or She targeted Kate” He said with a frown. I felt my chest tighten as if iron hands were squeezing me around my chest.

“Why was Kate targeted and how do you know?” Paul demanded. I looked up to James, my eyes begging for answers. He looked at me sadly.

“I don’t know why he or she targeted Kate and I know they did because of the fact that Kate was the last one to receive a text from the kidnapper” James said calmly.

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