Chapter 20

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Hello my little Fishies :D I have had just a teensy amount of sugar today.... HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE I <3 RED BULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND TRAINING. actually no. I don't really like training, unless it's a kick set, then I do actually like training, because I can do kick sets easily because I spent six weeks doing nothing but kick when I broke my wrist (I ran into a wall.....). Anyways, if you didn't know, kicking is when you hold a kickboard in the pool (I'm a swimmer) and just kick. Pretty self explanatory! Now, I've tortured you enough I should let you get back to your reading of this AMAAZAYN FABULOUIS FANFIC BROUGHT TO YOU BY SALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nialls POV

I swear I had the most amazing girlfriend in the world. She got me Nando’s for breakfast, kissed me awake and told me she loves me. I put the meal on my side table – sorry food – and got Bridget to snuggle into me. She happily did so. I grinned to myself and mentally thanked the Gods for this beautiful angel. I wanted this girl in my life for the rest of eternity. She saved my life and I was forever grateful.

“Niall…. If I were to die…. Will you do me a favour and find a new love?” she asked me. Her eyes watering up. I looked down at her.

“You are only girl I will love. If you were to die, half of me will die with you. I don’t know how I would live without you” I said, honesty leaking into my voice


I felt Bridget snuggle in closer to me. I wondered why she had asked me that question but I didn’t want to pry because I was happy, just holding my girl in my arms.

“Excited for the concert tonight?” Bridget asked me. I nodded. I loved being on stage, with the fans cheering you on. You feel invincible, as if nothing can stop you.

“Yeah… I can’t wait to get back out on stage.” I said with an easy smile to her. She blushed again. But this time I noticed something, her eyes seemed troubled.

“What’s wrong love?” I asked her. She shook her head.

“Nothing” She said with a small smile on her face. I nodded and kissed her on the cheek before she got up and left the room to let me get changed. I quickly got changed into my usual gear and began to head on down into the kitchen.

“… We can’t tell them you know that Bridget!” I heard Kate hiss.

“They’ll be in a lot of trouble if they found out” Ali said with a slight hint of worry in her voice.

I frowned. What was going on? I slowly crept further in hopes to hear what they were saying but as I did so, I stubbed my toe. The pain momentarily distracted me from the conversation.

“….we’ll just have to go through with it” I heard Bridget say. Go through with what?

“The boys will be overwhelmed with worry” Kate said hesitantly. Why would we be worried?

“We could leave them a note?” Ali suggested.

“And how the hell are they going to find us by that one note?” I heard Bridget retort.

“Leave it to me” Ali replied with a small grin.  I decided to let my presence be known. I stumbled into the kitchen, almost banging into Kate.

“Whoa! Careful Niall!” Ali said with a small grin. I smiled back at her. Her eyes were troubled like Bridget. Before I could question them, the other boys came running into the

kitchen carrying Liam.

“Boys put me down right now!” Liam said sternly.

“No. Why haven’t you said anything-?” began Harry with a grin but Louis cut him off.

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