Chapter 21

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WOW, after a mild panic attack because I had posted the wrong chapter yet again! I fixed it and we can forget all about it.

Ali's POV

I watch the boys get their crazy on and have fun. I sat far away from the stage, almost crying. I didn’t want the girls to see me like this, especially not the boys. I went to visit my godfather after the boys had left for the rehearsal. The girls went shopping and I told them I was going to visit a friend of mine. They didn’t bother to question me today so I was thankful. I asked him to meet me by the London eye. No one else knew this but me and my godmother and Kate and Bridget (Only because he told them!) but he was a private CIA investigator. I spilt everything to him, my love life with One Direction, the threats Kate, Bridget and I being sent threatening texts…. He just listened for a while before nodding.


“Whoever this person is Ali, he or she wants to harm you and One Direction at the same time. If you want my training advice, it would be to tell the boys but that could put them into immediate danger.” He said to me as we went to get ice-cream. I nodded, absorbing in every piece of information he gave me.

“This person may also be close to the boys as well. He or she could even be someone you have met” He warned me. I felt sick to my stomach that someone actually wanted to hurt me.

“Kate, Bridget and I want to go after whoever is doing this” I said to him softly. He nodded.

“Understandable considering you are my Goddaughter. And lets be honest, those guys One Direction call security guards don’t know about kidnapping unlike us.” He laughed. I smiled weakly. He turned to me quickly.

“I am going to track you and the girls. I will call in every ounce of help I can get. I will notify the families once you have left, do you copy?” He asked me. I felt shocked and slightly sick.

“Yes sir” I said weakly. He took my phone and tried to call the number. I shook my head.

“Disposable phone” we both said at the same. He sighed angrily. He looked at my phone again before smiling.

“When you get back home, take out the SIM card and place it in the soles of your shoes. It will be the last place to look for the SIM card. You remember what I told you about that right?” He asked me urgently in a low whisper. I nodded. He visibly sagged in relief.

“Good, do that tonight before you go to the concert. I’ll keep a tracker on you at all times. Stay calm ok?” He said to me. I smiled and hugged him.

“Thank you James” I said to him. He winked at me before leaving; making me wonder whenever not I would see him again.


I snapped out of my flashback when Liam sat next to me.

“You ok Ali?” He asked me with concern. I nodded, hastily wiping away my tears.

“Yeah… I just got a call from my mum telling me about my sisters ninth birthday” I said with a small smile. He nodded seemingly satisfied with my answer.

“I’m sorry you got to miss that” He said apologetically. I shrugged and smiled at him.

“It’s not your fault” I said to him.

He smiled back and gave me a kiss on the cheek, making me feel even guiltier about the worry that they will go through. I snuggled up into him praying that time will slow down, just for a while. But, as usual, God decides to hate me as the make-up girls literally drag our boyfriends away from us. We watch them put make up on the boys, which we found pretty amusing considering most of the guys we know hate make-up. We joked and laughed and listened to the stadium fill up with people.

When seven o’clock came around, we knew it time for us to say our goodbyes. We glanced at each other sadly before going up to our boyfriends. Bridget and Niall went off to somewhere private while Louis and Kate we busy talking. Liam and I went back into Liam’s personal room.

Before he could say anything, I placed my lips on his. He seemed surprised at first but then kissed me back!


This guy knew how to kiss! All of our emotions were poured into that one kiss. It was full of lust, passion, desire and Love. I felt as if nothing could part me from him. His arms slowly wrapped around my waist. I was pulled closer towards him as if he was desperate for my touch. I wrapped my arms around his neck, slowly stroking the back of his neck. He moaned at the feeling. I smiled to myself. He must’ve felt my smile because he softly but my lower lip. Damn that was a major turn on! I wanted to tempt him, to see how much further I could take him but Zayn knocked on the door and we broke apart just as he walked in.

I felt ashamed for wanting to go further. We had just gotten together for Christ sake!

“Liam, we’re waiting for you” said Zayn with his know it all smirk.

I blushed and looked down. Liam came up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

“See you after the show love” He whispered to me before he left. I wanted to yell after him and beg him to not leave me but instead I smiled and nodded. I sighed sadly,

feeling the sense of doom loom over me. I walked back over to where Kate and Bridget were. They tried to smile but it ended up failing.

“I talked to my god father.” I said to them.

Their eyes snapped up to me. They knew what my godfather did for a living and nodded, employing me to continue. I shook my head knowing it would be too dangerous for them to know. They sighed and we waited for the final message to arrive on our phones. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I was about to hyperventilate. Kate and Bridget weren’t far off it either. Finally Kate’s phone vibrated indicating a new message. Kate couldn’t bear to look at it so I picked it up and read the message whispering the message out to them.

To: Kate S

From: Unknown

I’m glad to see you haven’t told anyone. Come on out to the parking area by the trees on the west side. I find the area pretty…. Relaxing. Bring no one else other than your friends. Leave your cell phones there. I cannot have you being tracked. If I find any technological devices on you, I will hurt your precious boys.

You have 5 minutes.

We glanced at each other before nodding. They seemed to accept the fact they were getting taken and had no idea what was in store for them. I placed the phones on the bench in the dressing room. They never said anything about a note. I quickly got out the invisible writing pen I gave Louis as a surprise gift last week. He didn’t even know it was missing. I quickly wrote a note on the mirror. Once checking it was still there, I placed the pen down on the dresser, perfectly horizontal to the other pens which were vertical. I knew Liam would get it. I hoped. I walked with the others out into the abandoned car park. We stood there shivering in the cold.

“I’m surprised you all came” said an unfamiliar voice. We tried to see who it was but we were knocked unconscious by someone else. Before I slipped away my last thought went to Liam and I prayed he had the strength to help find us.

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