Chapter 11

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Hello Fishies, I;m actually not going to say when we will get the next chapter, because seriously??? Sally is just spoiling us rotten today :D I mean come on!!!! She gave us what, like 9 chapters in one day??????? Oh and just a little thing, if there is bad SPaG, just let me know nicely and I'll change it, If you tell me like "OMFG YOUR SPaG SUCKS IT WAS WRONG HERE AND HERE AND HERE" I will pay absoloutely no attention to you whatsoever. Because why should I waste my time on someone who raised without manners? Now Back to the story (cue evil laugh) MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Kate's POV

It’s been a week since the Niall incident and it’s been a week since we heard about Danielle’s cheating habit. We were all furious with Danielle and refused to let her talk to Liam even though she begged us. Ali told me that Danielle had been getting a serious amount of hate ever since the world found out Danielle cheated on him. I couldn’t help but feel as if she deserved all the hate she gets.

Right now, I was at the one direction apartment watching Toy story 3. Ali and Harry were upstairs in Harrys’ room. Bridget, Niall and Liam were absorbed in the movie. Louis was out at a friend’s house while I was here pretty much babysitting the whole group. I went into the kitchen and began to make some lunch for all of us. I was about to put the pastry onto the pie dish when my phone went off. It was Zack! I felt my heart go into my throat. I quickly dropped the pastry and answered the phone.

“Hello?” I asked.

HI babe! How are you?”

“I’m awesome! What about you?” I replied happily to him

“Pretty good. What you doing?”

“Oh I’m just at a friend’s house at the moment” I said placing the pastry in the right dish.

“Which friend?” he asked me with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

“Ali’s unofficial boyfriends house with his mates” I replied cautiously.

“An all males house? Wow nice to know my girlfriends a slut!” He yelled. I felt white hot anger pulse through my veins. I was not a slut! I never cheated on Zack!

“I AM NOT A SLUT ZACK!” I yelled back at him. Tears clouded my vision.


Tears dribbled down my cheek. Kayla gets with anything with a dick between their legs. I felt anger coming back to me.

“Ali was right. I never should’ve given you a second chance” I whispered through my tears. Silence filled the air. I never felt so mad in my life! Zack and Ali both know that if I whisper

after screaming, it is not a good sign.

“We’re over Zack” I said to him. I literally could feel his anger from the other side of the world.

Just letting you know. I have been getting with Lucy behind your back. But whatever.” He said before he hanged up.

I hanged up and fell to the floor, sobs wracking my body violently. Lucy was my best friend since primary school! How could she do this to me?! She knew how I felt when I caught Ali and Zack. I suddenly felt sick and violently threw up in the sink. Tears flowed down my face.

“Oh my god! Kate!” I heard Ali yell from behind me.

I felt her wrap her arms around me. I turned around and sobbed into her shirt. She made me sit in her lap as she stroked my hair and attempted to calm me down. I heard Bridget send the boys away. She came and sat next to me and began to soothe me. I just clung to both my friends harder and sobbed.

“Go get the car keys Bridget. We better head off home” I heard Ali say to Bridget. I felt Bridget stand up and talk to the boys.

“What happened Bebz?” she asked me softly.

I choked out everything, the whole argument between Zack and I. She just continued to rock me back and forward.

“It’ll be fine Kate. He was a jerk anyway. How about we go to Italy for a while? Take a break from everything?” She asked me. I nodded. A break from everyone would be great.

“Why are you crying by the way? You did nothing wrong, if anything, it was Douchebag that caused all of this! You are perfect, don’t blame yourself.” Ali declared. I let out a small laugh. I felt her smile and she picked me up and we walked to the front door. Harry gave Ali a hug and told her to text him later. She nodded and we hastily walked through the hotel back to the car.

“Hey Kaytee-Boo” Bridget said.

She was already in the car waiting for them. Ali quickly told Bridget what happened. She gripped the steering wheel harder, making her knuckles turn white. She glared at the road ahead of her.

“I swear when we get back to New Zealand I will make sure that boy regrets the day he cheated on you” Bridget hissed out. Ali and I shared a look, not feeling any sympathy for Zack at all. I closed my eyes, letting darkness overcome me.

A few hours later I woke up in my own room. I was confused for a second before I remembered what happened. My tears fell down my cheeks. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like my usual self but my eyes betrayed me by the tears in my eyes. I closed my eyes and shook my head and fell back onto my bed.

I heard a knock on my door and realized it was Louis at the door. He walked in and smiled at me. I tried to smile back but I ended up crying again.

“Hey what’s wrong love?” He asked me, his English accent pouring with worry.

I sobbed harder and told him everything. I told him I had caught Zack and one of my best friends flirting ages ago (I didn’t tell him it was Ali. She told me she wanted to tell Harry herself) and how I forgave them both. I also told him about our break up. He took a hesitant step towards me and I looked up at him through my tears.

“What did I do wrong?  I n-never ex-expected h-him t-to do that to me” I choked out to him.

He came over to me immediately and hugged me. I felt safe in his arms. It reminded me of home. He muttered words of comfort in my ears, letting me know it wasn’t my fault or anything like that. After a while, my tears stop and Louis stroke my cheek.

“You are so beautiful” He whispered to me.

My eyes flickered to his lips, wondering if he would kiss me. Before I knew what had happened, he put his lips on mine. We spilt every emotion we had into that one kiss. Passion, lust, sadness but more importantly LOVE. Our lips moved in sync and I felt as if I was in heaven. After a while we pulled away to let us breathe. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

He was perfect and I was so lucky to have him. We spent the next hour just cuddling and kissing. We soon heard a car beep its horn and Louis sighed and looked at me sadly.

“I have to go to the interview with the boys now” He said getting off the bed. I instantly saddened I didn’t want him to go! He hugged me.

“Watch the interview tonight Love” He said winking me before leaving. I hugged myself to stop myself from jumping up and down with happiness. I looked out of my window and caught Louis eyes. He grinned at me and blew me a kiss. I blushed and waved goodbye, watching them leave.

I couldn’t wait for that interview to start.

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