Chapter 6

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Everybody must thank Sally!!!!!! She decided that on her lunch break she would email me chapter 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY, I am loving all these characters, aren't you? Whose your favourite??????? Well my little fishies, thank you for sticking with us this far, and CONTINUE TO READ!!!!!!

Bridget's POV

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm o’clock. I groaned and rolled over, stuffing my pillow over my head. I was about to go back to sleep when I remembered something! Ali had a date tonight! I quickly got out of bed and began to get ready. I guess my loud running and screaming woke both my friends up.

“What the hell Bridget! It’s seven in the morning!” Kate exclaimed.

She obviously had forgotten that Ali had a date tonight. I raised my eyebrows at her and then she remembered. She screeched and forced Ali into her shower.

“What on earth guys!” I heard Ali scream from the shower.

“You have a date tonight!” I yelled back at her and I heard Kate agree.

“Key word! Tonight! Not this damn morning!” I heard Ali yell back at me. Then there was silence before Ali began to scream.


“She says we have a pair of lungs on us” She mumbled before running into her room,

I shrugged and went to get ready. I pulled on my jeans and a white shirt. I didn’t bother to do my hair today but decided to brush it at least. I could hear Ali in the kitchen pouring cereal into a bowl. I could tell she was nervous by the way she kept running her hand through her hair.

“So what’s on the agenda today? I am just so nervous, I mean, this is Harry Styles! And not to mention he is like an international sensation” Ali said rambling on a little more but I tuned her.

“We, my dear, are taking you to the mall again” I heard Kate declare from down the hall. Damn she had good hearing.

“What? But we went yesterday!” Ali said with horror.

I stifled my laughter. I knew how much Ali hated shopping for clothes. Ali had called her grandfather yesterday when she saw that he had put money into her bank account for the trip. Let’s just say that Ali was her grandfather’s goody two shoe favourite child. Kate came into the room glaring at Ali. I also glared at her. If there was one thing I know about Ali, she hates it when we glare at her. She gave in a few seconds.

“Ok but we have to go book shopping too!” Ali declared. Kate and I grinned at each other and nodded. We shoved down our breakfast and raced to the car and we went to the mall. We were looking around a few stores before I remembered something.

“Ali!” I called to her urgently. Her head snapped up to me. Her face held surprise all over her face. I saw her hands gripped around her phone and knew who she was texting.

“Ask Harry what you should wear tonight!” I demanded. I can tell that that Kate had just come to the same conclusion as I did. Ali tapped away at her phone and placed it back into her pocket. A few minutes later, it went off. Ali smiled and read the text.

“Semi-casual, Semi- formal” She said to us with brightness in her eyes. She ran her hand through her hair again! Seriously? I wanted to yell at her to stop running her hand through her hair but then again, she was nervous. I would be too if Niall asked me out.

“A skirt with a nice top” Kate determined.

“Or a short dress” I added to Kate’s suggestion.

I saw Ali’s eyes widen at our suggestions and groaned. We dragged her to another store. I wasn’t bothered looking at the name. Kate and I agreed to get one outfit each for Ali to try. I saw Kate pull out a small dress. I looked further back of the store and I saw the perfect dress for Ali. It was strapless with a sweetheart shape which was tight. It also flowed out from the waist. I knew how obsessed Ali was with dresses like this. It was a dark purple with a silver satin sash with bow at the back. I ran back over to Ali who was wearing Kate’s dress. It was dark green and was a one shoulder dress with fake diamonds at the waist. That came down as if it was snow. I had to admit it looked gorgeous on Ali as it came down to mid-thigh. Ali rated it 7 out of 10. I handed her my dress and waited outside with Kate.

“I’m actually nervous for her!” Kate said to me. I nodded. I did too.

Ali only had one boyfriend back in NZ. She was in a love triangle but she got out of it when she realized he didn’t like her anymore. She came out wearing my dress. The dress looked amazing on her! This was THE dress and we knew it! She smiled nervously.

“That’s the one!” We yelled at her. She literally jumped three feet in the air.

“God damn it women! You guys have a pair of lungs!” she grumbled and got changed back into her usual gear and went to purchase my dress. I stuck my tongue out at Kate knowing I won that round. We went into the bookstore and purchased a few books before heading back home. We got home at 2:30 and began to have lunch. Kate decided to make us our favourite pizza. I love her! She is an amazing cook!

“So next, we have to get you glamour up for your new date with Harry Styles” I squealed.

I couldn’t believe our luck! Ali blushed and went to have a long shower in hopes to calm her nerves. Kate went to go and help Ali get ready. I could hear them argue and talk excitedly. When 7 o’clock headed around, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Harry Styles standing there with a button up green shirt which brought out his eyes and some nice jeans. It took all my self-control to not scream and ask for his autograph.

“Can I have your autograph?” I blurted out. Harry laughed happily. I mentally kicked myself.

“Sure” He said with an easy smile.

I ran inside and got a pen and paper. He quickly signed it and handed it back to me. I felt like as if I was a giddy school girl about to go to prom with the most popular guy. Times that by a million and that’s how I felt. Ali must be feeling worse though. She was the one going on a date with him. Ali came to the front door with Kate trailing behind her. Harrys’ eyes widened and mouth gapped open at Ali. She had a natural make up look but the only thing that really stood out other than her dress was her red lips. I chuckled at Harry’s look. Ali smiled nervously at him. He held out his hand. Ali turned to us and hugged us good bye.

“I’ll be back at eleven at the latest Bridget and Kate” Ali said to us.

We nodded and watch Harry open Ali’s car door and let her in. He went around to his side and they sped off. Once out of site, Kate and I turned to each other with a massive grin on our faces. We began to jump up and down and squealed and raced back inside so excited to see what became from this new romance!

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