Chapter 14

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Hello my little Fishies :D well, now Sally just sent me the next chapter a little bit early, possibly due to the fact that I sent her (I'm not kidding) 300 texts asking her to give me another chapter, the email she got back from me was something along the lines of "KJSDHCIDHFJDBOIEHPEAFIJEANISDAHCKJBSDAICHWQPEOIVHPIJNVPIVPIEAHVIKJSDNVCPEIFHREPIJNVPRWEUVHEPIRWVBPIUTHVPIJSVNSAPKDJFVHPREIVNEIJAVNPIRWEUVHPOIDANVEPIUVHSAPIDJCNPDIUFHPSDIOJNCPIEVHAPSIDOJCNPISADUVHSPIDJNCPSDIHVPSDIUVHPISDJVNPSDIHPWEOIFJWOEINPQOJNCPOQIHPEOIPEINSPDVEOWFJPEQINFPORQIHPEQOIRENVPOQIHVPEQIRHPEQINVREIHVPREOIHJPREQOIHFPOREIHFPREOIIREQJVNEPOIVHPOEQIRVHEQJNVPOEIHJPISDJNFPOWEQIFHWEQPOIVNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OFMG OMFG HYPERVENTILATING ILOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Hope you enjot it as much as I did :P 

Bridget's POV

I was so nervous! Ok, have you ever been that nervous that you literally feel like as if you are going to hyperventilate and end up in hospital, awaking from a coma three days later?


Ali was busy brushing my hair out while Kate worked her magic on my make-up. I wanted to be natural but Kate and Ali refused and begged to at least let them put on a small amount of make-up on me. I agreed when Ali said she will let me get hyper one day on her amazing dessert of chocolate Tiramisu. I loved it when Ali made that so I agreed against my better judgement. Ali left to go and wait for Niall by the front door. I wanted to go too but Kate insisted she needed to do some more make-up.

I heard Ali open the door and talk to Niall. Kate grinned and me and let me go out of the room to see Niall. He stood there wearing dark denim jeans and a nice blue shirt. Ali smiled at me and I instantly knew she told him that I loved the colour blue. Looking at him, I felt under-dressed. I was wearing one of Ali’s navy blue straight jeans and a white top with a few silver studs at the bottom.

“You look wonderful” Niall said with a smile.

I grinned at him, mentally fan girling! This was amazing! I AM GOING ON A DATE WITH NIALL HORAN!!! He held out his hand and took mine. *CUE MENTAL FAINT* we walked to Nialls car which was parked in the driveway.

“Go and have fun you two!” I heard Kate announce.

“But not too much fun tonight!” Ali yelled out to us.

We both blushed at Ali’s comment. I heard Ali whine in pain as Kate punched her on the arm. Niall and I laughed while I mentally thanked Kate for that. We began to drive to wherever Niall planned to take me. I was so nervous and I kept meddling with the ring on my finger that my mum gave to me before I left.

“Hey, don’t be nervous! It’s going to be a great night” Niall said grinning at me. I smiled back at him and turned on the radio. I laughed as ‘What makes you beautiful’ came on. Niall groaned playfully.

“I hear this song on nearly every station” Niall told me. I laughed.

“Even on a date you can’t escape from being an international sensation” I laughed.

“Well, my date with you certainly makes up for it” He said with a wink as I blushed. He cooed at my blush and I mentally cursed myself for my blush!

“So where are we going?” I asked as the music finished. Niall seemed to hesitate for a moment before shaking his head.

“You’ll just have to wait” He said with a grin. I pouted but we ended up parking on the side of a hill with nothing in sight.

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