Chapter 19

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Hello my little Fishies :D I love this chappy, I am literally your saviour because I am posting this as soon as I finished reading it :D yes yes yes yes (don't like lots of three's) You can all bow down to me :D

Kate's POV

A few weeks later, Bridget, Ali and I were sitting around in the lounge, waiting for One Direction to come on one of the talk shows with Alan Carr. The boys had received a call from Simon Cowell saying that management had to cut their break earlier than expected. We were all disappointed but what was amazing was the fact that the boys were going to do a surprise concert for their fans in two days’ time! We, being fans of the boys already, began to scream and run around the house as if we were mad women. The boys still won’t live this down to this day. We were so excited for them!

“You know what, we should do something hilarious at the boys’ next concert” Ali said with an air of mischief. Bridget and I glanced at each other before grinning.

“Sure. What do u have in mind?” Bridget asked Ali. She grinned.

“Bridget dresses up as a leprechaun, Kate dresses up as a carrot, and I dress up as a spoon and we go on stage and do the ‘Gangham style’ dance” Ali said barely containing her giggles.

Bridget and I glanced at each other before roaring with laughter. It was going to be classic! I’ve never been one to perform but in year 12, we decided to pull a prank on the whole school by doing a scene of Harry Potter and the philosophers’ stone. It was hilarious. We were crowned the Queen of pranks that day. It was a lot of fun and I began to see why Bridget and Ali did drama.

“That would be classic!” Bridget choked out. Ali grinned at Bridget’s approval. I nodded in agreement.

“But then again, we would get into so much trouble with management” I said to them. Ali and Bridget rolled their eyes at me.

“The part of doing pranks is it has to be spontaneous” Ali said to me slowly, as if I was a two year old child asking what one plus one was.

“And funny” Bridget added to the conversation.

“Fine we’ll do it” I said grudgingly, ignoring my sensible side’s inner protests. The girls squealed and tackled me with a hug.

Finally, the Alan Carr show was on. Alan Carr was hilarious. I loved the fact he was gay as well and that didn’t hold him back from being a comedian.

“So how are you my gorgeous boys?” Alan asked them. They all smiled and replied that they were good.

“So I heard you boys were having an upcoming concert in a few weeks?” Alan said. He pulled such a funny curious face that we girls began to giggle.

“Yeah, Simon called us the other day while we were on a sugar high and told us we were to preform again sometime soon” Liam said to Alan.

I swear I saw Ali smile for a split second but before I could comment, the smile disappeared.  

“Oh well how very nice of you to perform for all your fans again” Alan said to them with a small clap of his hands. The audience and boys laughed.

“Yeah we’re really excited and can’t wait to get back out there and see the fans again” Niall said into his microphone. The audience screamed, cheering for one direction, for our boys.

“So I hear you have written a new album?” Alan asked. The boys looked at each other and nodded.

“One of the reasons why we haven’t been able to do a lot of concerts or autographs is because we are currently recording out new album ‘Take me home’” Harry said to Alan.

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