Chapter 17

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Hello little fishies!!!!!! short A/N today :D I hope you enjoy these next few chapters as much as I did!!!!!

Liam's POV

Harry entered the apartment, with a mutual expression. I walked over to him and dragged him into the lounge where all of us were seated. If I was honest, I was furious with him! He was dragging down our image but he was part of the band, so either way, I was so close to kicking him out of the band but I didn’t want to cause an upraise with the management.

“Well?” Niall hissed out. Honestly, I had never seen Niall that mad before. Harry sighed and sat on the couch.

“Ali and I agreed on a mutual parting” He said.

There was a stunned silence in air. Mutual parting? Ali AGREED to that?! Zayn rolled his eyes and shook his head. Louis just looked completely disappointed in Harry. Niall just seemed shell shock. I shook my head in disbelief.

“So what happened exactly Harry? We’ve heard a lot of rumours” Zayn said mockingly.

I could tell he too was furious at Harry. He sighed and placed his hands over his head.

“I was an idiot” He mumbled.

“Got that part right” I snapped.

I had never been more mad at Harry than I was now. I didn’t want to admit this to the Lads but Ali has been helping me get over Danielle by making me go to a private councillor three times a week and dragging me to see a personal boxer which help me get rid of my anger towards Marcus and Danielle. They just thought that the managers had organized it for me but in reality it was Ali.

“I met this girl… Michaela. She was at the hospital working as a part time nurse. We got talking and… I don’t know what happened really but next thing I knew… I began to think about her more than I thought about Ali. So I went on a date with her” Harry admitted to us.

I resisted the urge to whack Harry repeatedly over the head.Silence hung in the air before Louis handed over the Management folder to Harry. There were a list of rules Harry had to follow or he would be out of the band. He read over them and nodded. The silence was killing me so I grabbed the car keys.

“Where you going Liam?” Harry asked me. I turned and glared at him.

“To fix the damage you have caused. Like always” I said before turning on my heel and walking out of my house.

Paparazzi were everywhere! All screaming out question on Harry and Ali, about Niall and Bridget and Zayn and Perrie and Louis and Kate. I was the single one out the group. I smiled at myself. Harry and Ali had split so I guess that she and him were now single too. I got to my car quickly enough thanks to Paul and a few other security guards. I smiled thankfully at them and began to drive to the girls’ house. I knocked hurriedly on the door. The door flung open to reveal Kate.

“Hi Kate” I said rather awkwardly. She sighed.

“What do you want Liam?” she asked tiredly.

“Can I speak to Ali?” I asked her. Her eyes snapped up to mine. They held curiosity and hesitation.

“I’m not going to hurt her or anything” I said to her, easing her worries. Bridget came out of her room to see us standing there at the front door.

“What’s going on?” Bridget asked curiously.

“Liam wants to talk to Ali” Kate said, not taking her eyes off me, as if she was studying me.

“Oh… Ali’s gone to Italy…” Bridget said studying my face.

My mouth fell open in shock. Ali’s gone to Italy. I tugged on my hair. It was time to get desperate.

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