Chapter 18

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Hello my little Fishies, I completely screwed this up, you might want to go re-read chapter 16 because I think I might have done the worng chapter there.... If not, well then comment below and tell me so. Anyways... On with this chapter (if it seems familiar it's because I screwed up) Anyways, I love this chapter, warngin some of the things that happen, have happned to me in real life.  

Louis' POV

It’s been about a week and a half since Liam left to go comfort Ali. I assumed that since we haven’t got the call from police that Liam was dead that Ali hasn’t murdered him. Zayn was arguing, once again, with Harry about his new romance with Taylor swift. Taylor was a really nice girl. I liked her. Don’t take it the wrong way peoples, I love Kate more. Wait- love?!- Ok I seriously need help controlling my thoughts. My relationship with Kate was going along pretty well. I haven’t heard from Liam or Ali lately. I tried to call them a couple of times but their phones were turned off. I think Liam has more feelings for Ali than he lets on. I shrugged and returned back to texting Kate, hoping that the Zarry argument will end.

To: Kate, the Love of My Life

From: Lou <3 carrots and Kate.

Harry and Zayn are arguing again :/ x sorry love, I can’t come over until this argument is over bcos otherwise one of them may end up dead LOL x

To: Lou <3 carrots and Kate.

From: Kate, the Love of My Life

Awww that sucks :( what are they arguing about now? X

To: Kate, the Love of My Life

From: Lou <3 carrots and Kate.

Don’t know love, and don’t particularly want 2 find out LOL :P hav u heard frm Liam or Ali? X

To: Lou <3 carrots and Kate.

From: Kate, the Love of My Life

No I haven’t :/ I hope everything is ok between them… x

I frowned. It was unusual for Liam or Ali to not have any contact with us. We’re their best friends for god’s sake!

To: Lou <3 carrots and Kate.

From: Kate, the Love of My Life

Can Bridget and I come over?? We are so bored over here and since you and Niall can’t come over, we’ll come over if u want?? X and hey, do u think there could be a romance between Ali and Liam?

To: Kate, the Love of My Life

From: Lou <3 carrots and Kate.

SURE! Niall and I are bored over here as well LOL we just can’t leave until Zayn and Harry stop arguing so yeah! Come over! XD and maybe… I hope so, they both would be cute together. X

To: Lou <3 carrots and Kate.

From: Kate, the Love of My Life

YAY! Bridget and I want to go on a sugar high so we’re bringing over red bull, coffee shots and also a bag of sugar. ;) and ikr! And yea, we’ll be over in 10! C u soon! Xx

I quickly texted back and waited for them to arrive.


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