Chapter 10

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Hello Fishies :D my aren't we being spoiled today? Sally decided (or rather was forced by me and my friend, through never ending texting, facebooking, and annoying) give us another chapter!!!!!!!! YAY FOR SALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Louis' POV

We all tumbled into Ali’s Ferrari and she sped towards the ambulance. I could tell we were so worried about Niall. When Bridget yelled at us to call an ambulance, the worst feeling in the world entered my stomach. I felt ready to punch someone and throw up. Kate kept the cool head and called an ambulance. I swear I was ready to yell at someone. I let out my anger by yelling at fans to back off. Kate quickly followed in my pursuit. Zayn stayed by Niall and Bridget as she began to do CPR. I heard the ambulance coming and I sighed in relief! We had medical help! I heard a few coughs and a sputter and realized Niall was awake. Before anyone could say anything, he fainted. I growled literally at the fans. The medics came and took Niall. When they asked who wanted to come with them, Bridget automatically went. We all agreed to follow Niall and Bridget in Ali’s Ferrari. Harry was calling management while trying to comfort Ali. Zayn was on the phone to Liam who was already back in London? Zayn and I shared a look. We thought he was going to spend their anniversary with Danielle. I shrugged at him as Zayn rattled off to Liam to which Hospital we were heading to. I hugged Kate letting her know the worst was already over.

“He’ll be ok guys. Bridget texted me” Ali said looking up at us from her phone as she focused on driving.

I let out a breath I didn’t realise I was holding. I felt Kate sigh in relief next to me. Zayn visibly relaxed next to Kate while Harry just kissed Ali on her forehead. I smiled at them. Maybe Ali could hold Harry down for a while.

We stopped at the hospital and rushed inside. The receptionist looked at us weirdly but for now, I can ignore it.

“Niall Horan?” I asked her. She typed the name into the computer.

“He’s on level four, room 301” She said to us, almost robotically. We ran to elevator and continuously pushed the up button until the elevator came. We all tumbled and raced to the right room. We hesitantly pushed the door open but all we heard was laughter from Niall and Bridget.

We ran into the room and hugged Niall.

“Don’t you dare do that ever again Niall Horan!” I said to him sternly.

“I’m sorry mother” he said with a grin.

I grinned back at him and hugged him again. I heard a knock at the door and Liam was there, his eyes were red and puffy as if he was crying hard out. He didn’t say anything to us other than handed Niall some Nando’s which he rapidly ate.

“I’m glad you’re ok Niall” He said to Niall but didn’t look at him in the eyes. I frowned. What happened between him and Danielle? I looked over at the other boys and nodded. What ever happened to Liam made him this upset and that could only mean two things. One, that Danielle broke it off with Liam or second, He broke it off with Danielle. We decided to not say anything in front of the girls who were fussing over Niall.

Kate walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I looked at her. She was truly beautiful. She smiled sadly at me.

“Want to go out to lunch?” She asked me. I nodded and she took Ali’s keys for her Ferrari. We got into the car and drove down the street.

“What’s going on with Danielle and Liam?” She asked me. I looked at her in surprise.

“You noticed?” I asked. My throat went slightly dry. She shook her head.

“My baby brother had a girlfriend that he absolutely loved. Something happened between them causing Matt to be just as upset as Liam is now. So obviously something happened between Danielle and Liam” Kate said with a raised eyebrow.

I sighed and told her everything. All from the time Danielle announced she wanted to travel with her dancing. Liam let her do so. But after a while, they began to constantly argue, the rumours in Washington about Danielle’s new boyfriend which was her dance instructor, Marcus. Kate didn’t interrupt until we got to a small café.

“It seems to me that Danielle isn’t being too honest about her relationship with Marcus. It seems like to me she has more than just friends’ feelings towards him. I would say Liam came to the same conclusion” Kate said as we ordered smoothies and two muffins. We took a seat and began to eat n silence.

“So what do you think happened?” I asked her.

“Liam went to confront her” She said simply. I felt shocked. Would Liam really go and confront Danielle? Yes, yes he would.

We finished our meal and headed back to the hospital. Liam smiled at us although it seemed too forced for my liking. I hugged him.

“We’re here if you need us” I whispered in his ear. I felt his body shake with invisible sobs.  Kate smiled sadly at me and walked inside. Liam and I sat on the bench outside the hospital.

“Danielle…” He choked out. “She cheated on me”

I felt as if I was struck over the head with a book. Danielle cheated on Liam?! I was beyond furious! Liam was the perfect boyfriend to Danielle! He always supported her even if his instincts said the complete opposite. He was always romantic towards her and did everything a good boyfriend should. Oh just wait until the others found out about this!

“I-I c-caught them…t-together.” He sobbed into his hands. I felt horrified that Liam had to deal with this. I hugged him and told him everything was going to be alright.

“It’s not your fault Liam. You were a great boyfriend to her. She just couldn’t see pass the image that the world presented of you. She saw THE Liam Payne of One Direction not Liam Payne.” I said to him. He slowly quietened down his sobs.

“I’m going to head home. Tell the boys I’ll see them at home later” He said as he walked to the car. I shook my head. Liam believed he could handle this all on his own. But I know he won’t be able to handle it. I knew from my experience with Eleanor.

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