Chapter 8

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Hello my little Fishies :D I got this just before my french exam, and didn't get enough time to post it then, plus I thought that this is probably going to be the last chapter for today (I know I'm sad too!!! especially after what she's been hinting will go on between me and Niall!!!!!!!!!!!!) so moving one Here is the story, don't forget to comment and vote!!!!!!!

Kate's POV

We saw Ali come into the house. I guess she thought we had already gone to bed but got a bit of a surprise when she saw us standing behind her. She jumped up in the air.

“Jesus!” she exclaimed. Her swollen lips and blush on her cheeks instantly gave her away that they had kissed. I squealed as she swore. She instantly knew we would be hounding her for details.

“So what happened?” I heard Bridget ask Ali. We followed her into her bedroom where Ali was getting changed into her sleeping gear.

“We went on a date” Ali said sarcastically.

“No shit Sherlock! But what did you do?” I said winking at her.

Her face instantly blushed but then she seemed to remember something and she smiled.

“Well we went to the park and he told me this really big secret about Niall and Louis and said not to tell you” she said with a grin. Bridget and I glanced at each other before tackling Ali and tickling her for information. After a few minutes, Ali relented and told us.

“Niall likes Bridget and Louis likes Kate!” she blurted out. We froze on the spot and shrieked.

“WHAT?! OH MY GOD!!!!!” We both screamed and literally began to rant while Ali fell onto the floor in hysterics. It took us a few minutes to calm down.

“Harry told me when I asked about the boys” she giggled to us. We literally began to scream again.

“Tell us more about the date!” Bridget demanded of Ali.

She laughed again and told us in complete detail as to what happened on her date about how they watched the sunset and ate Spaghetti Bolognese while they talked. Then how they went to the cheesecake factory and brought a cake to have on the London eye while they watched the fireworks. She blushed when she realized she was going to have to tell us about her kiss with Harry Styles! We grinned at her and she blushed harder.

“Yes! We kissed before I came back inside!” she said in the end. Bridget and I squealed and she handed me 5 euros. Ali raised her eyebrows at us and realized we had bet on when they were going to kiss.

“You bet as to when we would kiss?” Ali said outraged. We nodded sheepishly and began to apologize before she could yell at us. Her father was a gambler and she didn’t mind gambling on something important but with relationships she hated.

“So how was it?” I asked her. Her face was the colour of a radish when she realized we had to know ALL the details.

“He was going to kiss me and I turned my head at the last moment to get him to kiss me on the cheek but it ended up on the lips. It was just amazing. He is a very talented kisser.” She said winking at us. We screamed and hugged Ali who was just laughing and blushing.

“Well come on. Let me go to sleep I am exhausted” Ali declared. We grinned at her and let her sleep. Bridget went into her own room while I went into my own room. My phone started to ring. I half hoped it was Zack but I half hoped it was someone else.

“Hello?” I asked hesitantly.

Hey sis! How are you?” I heard my brother say.

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