Chapter 15

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Good morning my little Fishies :D Now please don't kill me for what happens in this chapter!!!!! I DIDN'T WRITE IT!!!!!! *crouches and hides behind the couch* Here you go........

Ali's POV

I woke up the next morning, feeling more grouchy than ever. At first I thought it was because of my bed but then I realized that I had fallen asleep on the couch. I groaned and got up into the kitchen and make myself and Kate and Bridget some pancakes. I may not be a five star chef like Kate but I did know how to make some damn awesome pancakes. I heard Bridget skipping down the hall.

“Morning!” I called out to her.

“Morning!” she replied brightly. I turned and smirked at her.

“You got home pretty late last night” I said slyly. Bridget blushed and looked away.

“Come on! Spill all the gossip.” I said grinning at her.

She told me about how they went out to the beach and got Nando’s and how they just talked about their lived and everything. I listened to rapid detail.

“So did you kiss?” I heard Kate ask as she came into the kitchen as I was serving up pancakes.

Bridget blushed and nodded. Kate and I grinned at each other and cooed at Bridget.

“Shut up” She said. Kate and I laughed.

This was perfect! We all had someone worthy in our love lives. My phone began to vibrate as I received a call from Liam Payne. I grinned at the girls and walked into my bedroom.

“Hello there. Who might this be?” I asked with an Italian accent, just to annoy Liam.

My parents got me a tutor to help me speak fluent Italian while I went away to Italy for a few weeks with my Classics class back in year 12.

“Umm, Ali, this is Liam” I heard Liam say on the other line.

“Oh hi Liam.” I said to him. “Is Harry ok?”

“Harry’s fine… We’re just worried about him” He said me with hesitation lacing his voice. I frowned.

“What do you mean?” I asked him as I began to pace my room. I ran my hand through my hair.

“Well, Harry has been going out a lot more than usual… you haven’t seen him have you?” He asked me.

“No I haven’t” I said with a frown.

“Just be careful Ali. This is Harry Styles we’re talking about” Liam warned me. I instantly knew what he was getting at.

“You think he’s cheating on me?” I asked him, fear entering my voice.

Back in New Zealand, I had a boyfriend that kissed another girl at the ball. It broke my heart and I had a major break down when I heard. When I confronted him, he admitted to it but I gave him another chance. It worked for a while but then I realized that it wasn’t working, so I ended it. We’re still friends now so that was ok. I am still hurt by it, I could not imagine how Kate must be feeling with it.

“I’m not saying he is but I’m saying, just be careful ok? Keep your heart guarded” He said to me. I nodded trying to keep my tears at bay.

“Ok Liam” I said to him.

“It will be ok. I’m sorry love but I have an interview with the lads soon. Do you want us to come over afterwards?” He asked me.

“Yeah… that’ll be great. Kate can’t wait to see Louis.” I said with a hint of sadness.

“Alright. Bye Ali” He said.

“Bye Liam” I replied before hanging up.

I saw Bridget and Kate standing in the doorway.

“How much did you hear?” I asked, trying to keep my emotions at bay. They shrugged.

“Enough” Kate said and I suddenly flew myself at the girls and hugged them.

We hugged for a while until the girls declared that we should go book shopping and get ice-cream. I grinned and nodded. These girls knew how to cheer me up. We out of our pyjamas and into some normal clothes and headed down to the mall. We chatted aimlessly about the boys as we walked into the mall.

“Hey! Are you Alexandra, Kate and Bridget?” A girl around thirteen squealed.

We glanced between each other and nodded. The girl squealed again and brought out a pen and note pad.

“Can I have your autographs?” She breathed out. We grinned and all signed her note pad. She grinned at us.

“Thanks so much!” She said with a huge smile.

“No problem” I said with a smile. The girl looked at us for a second then smiled brightly.

“You know, you’re a lot nicer than people on twitter make you all out to be” She said as she skipped away. We all smiled at each other and began to head to the book store.

“Well that was a first” Kate said with a huge smile.

“Yeah… I just can’t help but wonder what she meant about twitter” Bridget said with a frown.

I nodded at Bridget, I didn’t want any hate either but I guess you have that burden when you are friend/dating One Direction. I pulled out my phone and began to read some of the tweets that were said about me and my friends.

@NOBAY-1D: @Alex_D is a total slut! She has gotten with my man. Her friends are such bitches as well!

@1DISMINE: @Kate_S and @Bridget_N and @Aex_D don’t deserve the boys! They are just sluts wanting attention and the boys deserve so much better.

@JJLUV1D: @Alex_D I can’t believe those two whores are actually your friends. She is a stuck up little bitch. Her friends are just suck ups to her to get with One Direction as well.

Fury captivated me. NO ONE CALLS MY FRIENDS WHORES, SLUTS, OR BITCHES! I quickly typed out a response to all of the haters.

@Alex_D: To all those haters out there, BACK THE HELL OFF! None of my friends are Whores, Sluts or Bitches! You’ve never met them so how can you say that?! Send hate to me if you want to but leave my friends out of it! You don’t deserve to call yourselves “DIRECTIONERS” If you act like this.

I grinned, satisfied at the tweet but also worried about the reaction I will get from the boys and the management. I have never dealt with them but I knew just how vicious they could be towards us. I sighed and quickly followed the girls into the book store.

As we left the book store, I saw something I did not want to see. Harry Styles on a date with a blonde.


IT'S NOT MY FAULT PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEKKKK!!!!! I'm gunna go hide from you now........

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