Chapter 13

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Hello my little Fishies :D how are we all today????? Now seeing as Sally doesn't have any exams today she has promised me 9 tonight!!!!!!! I KNOW I CAN'T WAIT EITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But she did send this to me last night, as a kind of "I'm sorry for the pain you will go through tomorrow as you wait for nine more chapters" gift. Let's just say that this  girl isn't complaining in the slightest!!!!! Now as usual fishies, I am commanding you to Vote and comment on this story!!!!! (Well actually I don't really care as much about the voting part JUST COMMENT IF YOU CAN'T BE BOTHERED VOTING!!!!!!!!) and now..... ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!

Niall's POV

I must have done something amazing in my past life to deserve someone like Bridget. She was funny, nice and simply perfect. Ali must have texted Harry that I asked Bridget out because ii was bombarded with good luck and suggestions for the date.

“Ali said Bridget loves swimming” Harry said with a sly smile. I immediately knew where to take Bridget if she liked to go swim. It was my private get away area. None of the boys even knew about it. It would become our special place. I grinned to myself as we drove home. I sent Bridget a quick text off my phone.

To: Bridget x

From: Niall-who-eats-all-my-damn-food

Hi beautiful x can’t wait for our date tomorrow ;) bring a swimsuit if you want but it may be cold. I hope you girls had fun tonight!

Love from Niall x

I got a reply almost instantly. Ali was saying to me when I gave her my number that Bridget was an extremely fast texter “so don’t be surprised if she texts you back immediately.” I grinned and opened the message.

To: Niall-who-eats-all-my-damn-food

From: Bridget x

I can’t wait either! ;) jw, what should I wear? X

To: Bridget x

From Niall-who-eats-all-my-damn-food

Casual if you want but I hope you like it J

To: Niall-who-eats-all-my-damn-food

From: Bridget x

Of course I will! I’m going to head off to bed cos I have a date tomorrow night and the water war has taken a toll on my energy! LOL. Bye Niall x see you tomorrow

I quickly texted back goodnight and fell onto my bed, grinning like as if I had just won the lottery. Perhaps I did. I had the most amazing girl agree to go on a date with me tomorrow night.

I woke up painfully as I fell off the bed in shock when Harry and Louis jumped on my bed. I moaned in pain as I banged my head on the bed side table.

“Get up young one! We have to teach you the art of flirting, dating and women!” Harry declared.

I raised my eyebrows at them both and glared. I was having the most amazing dream of Bridget and I on our first date.

“If I had the choice of getting dating advice and hair product advice from Zayn, I would pick Zayn” I grumbled and went back to my bed. I heard Louis and Harry dramatically gasp at me and begin to fake cry.

“Why… How could you say something like that to us Niall?” Harry sobbed in to Louis shoulder.

“Why Niall!? I thought you loved us” Louis declared, fake crying even more. I groaned and Liam came into the room.

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