Chapter 26

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Hello my lovely little Fishies, how are we enjoying the story so far? I feel quite weird doing this because nobodies actually read this yet... awkward..... Oh well!!!! I'll just talk to you as if you are here :D anyways, the story might get a little but dark, but not toooo bad (I think.... I'll have to ask Sally) Now, my non-existent readers you are probably dying to read the next chapter so I'll let you get back to it!!!!

Bridget's POV

We waited in fear every day, wondering if these people were the kidnappers Ali spoke of. We huddled in fear every time we heard a creek near the bolted door. We tried to be strong but it was hard to.

Two days go, Kate had tried to defend us from one of them men, and he was trying to feel me up! We were disgusted by him and Kate ended up shoving him away from me. He blew into a fury quite quickly and gave Kate a black eye. Ali had gotten her arm broken and a cut over her eyebrow and a little bit on her eyelid from when one of the men when they dragged her out of the room… all we could hear was Ali screaming in pain and the man yelling at her.

I was hit too; I had a few bruises on my body and a sprained ankle. Thankfully, nothing permanent had happened to us. I guess the only thing that stopped us from going crazy was the fact that we had people to live for… Mum…Dad… my brother….Niall. He was the source of my survival, whenever I felt close to giving up and falling into darkness, I would hear his voice telling me to not give up and help was coming soon.

At the moment, Ali was dressing Kate’s wounds with the first aid kit. Her wounds were quite bad but thankfully, not infected. She had been taken out of the room an hour ago and only came back a couple of minutes later. I saw one of the girls slip some food into our room. I raced over to the food to ‘inspect’ it. It was Nando’s, surprisingly. I came back over with the food to Ali and Kate and handed them each something from the bag.

“I’m not hungry” Ali said passing me back the chips.

We had lost a serious amount of weight these past few days. It’s not like we were starved but it wasn’t like we had three meals a day type thing.

“You need to eat Ali.” I said to her, waving the chips underneath her. She just looked disgusted and shook her head.

“I’m not hungry” She repeated but this time with more of finality in her voice. I gave up and shared the chips between Kate and me while Ali went into the bathroom.

“Do you think she’s ok?” I asked Kate.

She gave me the look and I sighed. Ali’s tracking trick did not work as well as she had hoped. One of the guys was pretty nice and did try to intervene whenever he could. I still didn’t trust him but I was thankful that he was trying to help us. He found the SIM card and silently took it away. We went almost crazy with fear. If that guy told the others, we would be killed. Or worse, out boys would be attacked! But thankfully, we realized he hadn’t told them.

“How much longer do you think this will go on?” I asked her. She looked at me dead in the eyes and didn’t answer. She didn’t want to get her hopes up.

I sighed and didn’t bother with the conversation. We just prayed that nothing too bad happened to us.

Ali came back into the room, looking paler and weaker than normal. Her clothes had become a little bit baggy on her as well as the rest of us. She sat down beside us and began to sing little things, the one song we knew the boys had dedicated to us. We sung it at a slower pace than the original, the words having sorrow written in them instead of love. We wanted to get out of here! We didn’t want to stay!

“What do you think your Godfather would be doing now Ali?” I asked her. She replied immediately.

“Going and looking into leads or anything to do with the van that took us” she said. The only true reason why we knew about that van was because we heard the younger boy talking about it to the other men.

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