Chapter 9

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Fishies!!!!! YOU ARE WELCOME!!!! Sally just sent me this chapter because I sat through a three hour frech exam!!!!!! YES IT TOOK FANFICTION TO CONVINCE ME TO DO AN EXAM, AND YES I AM NOT ASHAMED OF IT, AND YES YOU ARE VERY WELCOME!!!!! I DID IT ALL FOR YOU!!!!!! (I might possibly have had some sugar........... hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe anyways, who wants to read the next chapter????

Bridget's POV

Ali got into her god mother’s Ferrari, running her hand through her hair as she did so. Ali loved this Ferrari more than anything. Kate had her hair up in a high pony tail as she got into her blue bikini which Ali forced her to wear today. I don’t think Kate particularly liked that too much but it was amusing to watch. Ali turned on me shortly afterwards and told me to wear the one piece she brought me the other day. It was the latest blue fashion designed full piece. It was actually very pretty so I didn’t mind wearing it. Ali wore a deep green bikini top and swim shorts. Her hair was up in a messy bun while I let mine down today. I was so worried about meeting Niall for the first time since I found out that he liked me. I didn’t know how to act around him! We drove in silence to the beach. Kate decided to turn on the radio, which, ironically, had the song ‘What makes you beautiful’. We laughed and began to sing loudly, causing some weird looks from people at the beach.

“AND THAT’S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!” We yelled out. Ali fell back into her seat laughing so hard she didn’t see Harry behind her.

“Hello Love” he said to her. Ali jumped up in surprise and grinned when she saw it was Harry. They hugged for a while and turned to us. I saw Niall coming over to us. He was shirtless! I literally was drooling as he walked over to us. I snapped back to my senses when Ali coughed to warn me. I wiped off the drool and smiled. Louis came over too with a bunch of carrots that he got from down the street.

“I’m surprised you managed to find the beach” Zayn said to us.

Kate and I were still in a little bit of shock. Well… maybe not a little bit. Ali laughed and told him (sarcastically) there was such a thing nowadays called a GSP. Zayn grinned at Ali and declared he liked her. Harry mocked glared at Zayn and it ended up in a fight in the sand. Niall laughed and put his arm around me.

“Want an ice-cream love?” he asked me.

I was too stunned to speak so I nodded. I saw Kate and Ali flash me a smirk and thumbs up. He grinned at me and took me to a small ice-cream pallor close by. It had so many flavours; I momentarily forgot Niall was with me.

“What do you want? It’s all up to you?” He said to me with a smile.

“Can I have a double scoop of chocolate and Hokey pokey?” I asked him timidly. He nodded and went up and ordered my ice-cream and brought himself a candy floss flavoured and Vanilla flavoured ice-cream. He and I began to talk about random stuff as we walked back to the beach.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked me curiosity and hesitation lacing his voice. I inwardly grinned but I shook my head.

“Nope” I said popping the ‘P’.

His expression of shock made me laugh and I began to walk ahead of him.

“I’m sorry. I was just wondering” He said, refusing to look me in the eye. I shrugged and kept walking to the beach.

“It’s fine Niall” I said with a smile. He grinned at me and came towards me to hug me. I didn’t know he was going to hug me in my defence and I accidentally got ice-cream on his cheek. I gasped and began to apologize until he put some of his Vanilla ice-cream on my nose. I glared at him.

“Oh it’s on now!” I declared and we ended up having an ice-cream war as we ran back to the beach, attracting weird looks from elderly people. We ended up in a fir of laughter when we got back. I saw Louis and Kate talking on the beach while Ali was screaming at Zayn and Harry to put her down. This was going to end badly! Ali hates being picked up.

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