Chapter 4

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Ali's POV

I swear, for the past 5 hours we have been walking around the damn mall trying to find the right outfit for tonight. Seriously peoples! 5 hours! 2 hours is plenty but 5?! I was ready to scream! Don’t get me wrong, I like shopping for books but clothes and I are deadly enemies. The girls agreed to one more store then we’ll go for lunch. I silently thanked the gods for this miracle. We entered a small store filled with more clothes. Bridget and Kate started throwing clothes at me while dragging me to the dressing rooms.

“Why must you torture me?” I whined.

They laughed and just said to try on the outfits and if I didn’t like them, I didn’t have to get them. I grumbled as I put on the first outfit of high waist shorts and a crop top but then decided not to go as a slut and put on the second outfit. The second outfit was a white lace dress that clung to all the wrong places of my body. I quickly peeled off that dress and changed into the third dress. It was dark purple dress that was zipped up at the back with no straps. It was tight at the chest until it reached my waist where a black thin sash was. The black sash had little purple studs in it, hardly visible but I liked it. After that, the dress just flowed out to my knees. The black ballet flats would look brilliant in this dress! I quickly stripped out of the dress and got changed back into my jeans and t-shirt and brought the dress.

“That will be Thirty Euros please” the lady at the counter said.

I handed over my money and waited for Kate and Bridget to come out with their purchases. Bridget came out with a dark blue dress similar to mine but hit has criss-cross straps at the back as well as the zip up and had no sash. We were both ecstatic with our purchases and waited for Kate. She ended up buying a beautiful moss green dress. It had black straps that connected at the end of the V-line at the front. There was also a black sash around her waist with a black bow behind it. Bridget and I both approved of these dresses and decided to go out for lunch as a treat. We walked to a small café and looked at the menu.

“Well i know what I’m getting” I grinned. I went up to the counter and ordered a chocolate brownie with extra whipped cream and an iced coffee.

“You’re going to be hyper all night!” Bridget said to me.

I shrugged and got my food and waited for my best friends. Many people believe we are sibling but we are actually best friends, bonded together over One Direction. I remember Bridget telling me back in year 11 that if I were to ever meet Niall, I would ask him to take her out on two dates. I agreed because, quite frankly, Bridget’s glare scares me a little. Finally, they come over and we begin to talk aimlessly.

“I wonder when that guy will ask for his date with you Ali” Kate said grinning.

I rolled my eyes at her. I had being doing that a lot recently. I saw her glance at her phone and bit my lip. I know Kate wanted her boyfriend to call her but to be honest, he didn’t deserve Kate and if I am honest too, I didn’t deserve her forgiveness. It was wrong of me to have flirted with Zack though initially ii did tell him we shouldn’t due to the fact he was supposed to be in love with Kate, but for some reason he convinced me it was ok. I never should’ve believed that lying little git! I didn’t want to tell Kate this but I had seen Zack around St Luke’s a few days before we left and he was French kissing one of the girls from western springs. I didn’t know who it was, and they better be thankful. I gave Zack a black eye and warned him that if I saw that again, I would tell Kate. But I just didn’t know if Kate would believe me or not. I forced a disgusted look onto my face.

“That guy was just plain creepy no offense to him! But yeah… he would have to make it romantic. You guys know I’m a sucker for romance” I laughed. They both nodded and we fell back into silence.

“Why hasn’t he called me already?” Kate said angrily.

Because he’s too busy fucking his way around town’ I thought bitterly. But on the outside I smiled sadly at Kate and reassured her he was probably at school or something.

“Maybe he is. Let’s focus on Bridget now since she hasn’t had much attention lately.” Kate smirked.

“if I ever see Irish man again, I’m telling him to take you on a date” I grinned at Bridget while she blushed even more. Kate and I giggled but instant stopped when we saw her glare. My watch alarm went off, telling me it was only 4:30pm but the concert started at 7… and I know what these girls are like.

“Come on. Let’s go home and get ready” Bridget said quickly and she raced out of the café as if the devil was pursuing her. Kate and I laughed and followed Bridget out to the cab.

We arrived home and Bridget and Kate ran into the house desperate to be the first one’s into the shower. I heard Kate yelling at Bridget to be quick as she needed a shower too. I just shook my head and walked into my own personal bathroom I quickly washed myself with my favourite mango flavoured body wash and washed my hair. I relaxed as the hot water hit my body. I didn’t want to waste time so I quickly shaved and jumped out of the shower and dried myself. Putting on the moisturiser and quickly blow drying my hair went by pretty quickly. I changed into my gorgeous dress and yelled at Kate to come and take my shower. She was there in less than a minute. She shot me a thankful smile and raced in. I put on some foundation and mascara and faint lip gloss. I’m not a fan of girly things but I know what I liked. I decided to put some black eye liner on as well. Kate screamed from inside the bathroom.

“It’s six o’clock already!” she yelled out to me.

I glanced at the clock. Oh shit! I brushed out my hair making it nice and wavy. I heard Bridget get out of the shower and get dressed. Kate came rushing into my room wearing

her dress, as she was putting on her make-up in quickly curled her hair, silently praying that gods that Kate did not wet her hair. Bridget came into my room seconds after Kate had finished her make-up. Her hair was perfect already; she just needed help with make-up because her foundation just ran out. Kate quickly did her make-up while I did the last curl.

“Now let’s go!” I declared and we eagerly went into our new Ferrari that my God mother let us borrow for the night. I felt the Ferrari purr into life. I loved this baby more than I can say. We took off, praying that we would get to the concert in time.

Sorry, guys, no welcoming message this time :( sadness, but I couldn't think what to say!!!!! anyways, she said that she'll be sending me the sixth chapter in a couple of hours, so until then, THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!!!

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