Chapter 7

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Why Hello little fishies!!!!!! Just letting you know that it took me literally 50 emails to get this chapter to you!!! YOU SHOULD ALL BOW DOWN TO ME BECAUSE I AM YOUR LEADER!!!!!!! Anyways.... Man I've just realised I say that a lot....Might try stopping that...On another note, please Comment, and vote for this story!!! Sally doesn't have much faith in her writing ability, BUT I KNOW YOU GUYS DO SO COMMENT WITH HOW AMAZING THIS STORY IS!!!!! (only if you want to, if your hating on out!)

Harry's POV

I was in my room texting Alexandra tonight. My curly hair all messed up. It was 12o’clock but I honestly couldn’t be bothered getting up to get ready. I hoped to the gods this date went well and no paparazzi found us! That was the last thing we needed. I listened to my IPod while I waited for Alexandra to text back. She told me she preferred the name Ali because Alexandra was just too posh for her liking. I had to grin when I heard that. She didn’t like shopping unless it was for books, her favourite colour was purple, and she loves to eat pasta and had a fear of cockroaches.

To: Haz

From: Ali x

I’m just at the mall with my two best friends, Kate (Brunette) and Bridget (blonde)

I grinned to myself. I now could torture Louis and Niall with information. They would not stop talking about them ever since the concert finished last night! I swear I had never seen Liam that annoyed with them. He and Danielle had another fight last night. I hope everything was alright between them. They were such a cute couple.

To: Ali x

From: Haz

Oh lucky! Whenever the lads and I go to the mall, we have to wear those fake $2- moustaches

I could literally hear her laugh reading that text. Her laugh was sweet and innocent. God, I really have got to stop day dreaming about her! I was going to see her tonight anyway!

To: Haz

From: Ali x

Haha really?! Wow and people actually fall for that?! Wow….Umm Harry… what exactly should I wear tonight? Kate and Bridget have been dragging me to every store in this damn mall!

To: Ali x

From: Haz

Semi-formal, semi casual k? It’s just going to be a simple date. And yes really. We once sat next to a group of Directioners and they didn’t recognize us.

To: Haz

From: Ali x

Thank-u Curly! I gtg. The girls are getting annoyed with me texting u: P c u tonight!

I quickly said good-bye to her for now. I lay on my bed for a little while longer before I decided to get up. I pulled out a nice green button up shirt and dark jeans. I walked down into the lounge where the lads were.

“I have something about Blondie and Hazel girl that you don’t!” I sang to Louis and Niall. They jumped up and tackled me and attacked me with tickles. I couldn’t stop laughing and tried to shove them off.

“Harry… you should know not to torture the boys with information” I heard Zayn say with a small smile. I grinned at him.

“The blonde girl is called Bridget while the Hazel eyed girl is called Kate” Harry said to Louis and Niall. They grinned and nodded. They turned back to where Liam was watching Toy Story 2.

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