Chapter 12

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Hello my lovely little Fishies :D how are we all? I hope we are good, because I cannot stop smiling after reading this chapter!!!!! It involves me...and well....just read the story :D

Bridget's POV

Kate decided to join us as we watched the interview tonight. We had gotten popcorn and ice-cream out in celebration. Whatever Louis did was amazing! Kate was actually smiling and laughing at Ali’s corny jokes. Ali and I shared a grin, happy that the Kate we knew was back. When Ali and I saw Kate throw up, we were instantly worried, we thought she had caught a stomach bug or something. The boys were insanely worried too. Harry continuously texted Ali asking if she was ok or not. Ali ended up calling him and reassuring him that she was ok. Apparently the message didn’t get to Louis so he came over to try and cheer her up. Whatever sorcery that boy did … actually I don’t want to know.

Ali came back into the room with Pizzas that she ordered from the nearest Dominos. We laughed and just had a good girl’s night. We turned on the TV and realized we missed the first part of the interview, but the boys had told Ali that the first part was just going to about their album release.

“Hi everyone! Welcome back! On stage with me now are teenage heart throbs, One Direction!” The lady declared.

The audience cheered and slowly the lady held up her hand asking for silence.

“So, Harry, what’s going on between you and the girl Alexandra?” The lady asked leaning in. Harry laughed nervously.

“Well we are dating now but I’m just trying to find the right moment to ask her to be my girlfriend” He admitted. Ali seemed to be frozen before she began to scream.

“OH MY GOD!” She screamed and began to jump up and down with joy. We finally got her to shut up and the lady began to ask more questions.

‘What about the rest of you boys?” The lady asked. The boys seemed to hesitate for a split second before answering.

“Single” Zayn replied.

“Single” Liam said glumly. It dampened to mood of the studio remembering what happened between Danielle and Liam.

“I am taken” said Harry winking to the camera. Ali blushed harder.

“What about you Niall and Louis?” The lady asked eagerly. The boys looked at each other.

“I am single but my heart is taken” Niall said to the Lady with a faint blush. The audience cooed and asked who this girl was that took Niall’s heart.

“Her name is Bridget. She’s Harry’s unofficial girlfriends’ best friend. And the saviour of my life” He said blushing harder.

I felt my heart stop in my chest. I screamed loudly! I couldn’t believe it! NIALL HORAN LIKED ME! OH MY GOD! I heard Ali moan and saw her clutch her right ear. I felt bad for a second but then I remembered why I was so happy. I started running around screaming with happiness and excitement but settled back down to listen to the rest of the interview.

“Oh yes I remember that being published in a magazine! The girls sincerely apologize for their actions” The lady said.

“I don’t blame them. I was just thankful to be alive thanks to my angel” He said to the interviewer.

“I’m the same as Niall. I’m hoping to date Kate. She was there for me during the Niall incident” Louis said. He pulled out the carrot-flute.

“She gave this to me when we first met. I carry it around with me all the time. I absolutely love it. I love her” He declared to the interviewer.

Kate fell back into the couch in shock before we all began to squeal and scream. This was amazing! If someone told us two weeks ago, we would be international celebrities and have Harry, Louis and Niall as our potential boyfriends, we would’ve sent them to a mental hospital!

“I guess it’s safe to say that THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING TRIP EVER!” Ali yelled out. We nodded enthusiastically. This trip is amazing! We never wanted it to end.

“Well boys! That’s all we have for tonight but thank you for coming onto the show tonight. Good night ladies and gentlemen!” The interview lady declared and the show finished.

“I think this cause for a celebration!” I yelled out quoting Pinocchio’s father, Geppetto.

Ali and Kate laughed and turned on One Direction music and began to have a dance fiesta! We laughed at our ridiculous dance moves. It was hilarious watching Ali put on a Louis wig and pretended to ball dance with Kate to ‘I wish”. We all ended up with stitches at our sides. Ali’s phone began to vibrate. Ali tried to grab it but Kate and I were too quick. We saw the caller I.D was Harry Styles. I answered the phone while Kate attempted to shut Ali up.

“Oh my god Harry!” I cried into the phone.

“Bridget? What are you doing? Where’s Ali?” He asked with a hint of panic in his voice.

“She’s fine for now but if you want her alive, come over, all five of you” I put into the phone. Harry laughed and agreed. I saw Kate and Ali’s eyes light up with mischief.

“Water guns?” Ali asked.

“Oh yeah!” I said running out of the room to grab the water guns.

The boys came a few minutes later; Kate was on the roof, her water gun aimed at the boys. Ali was hiding in the bushes while I sat on the porch with a bunch of water guns behind me. They walked up to me confused.

“These are your guns. Girls verse boys. If you get water bombed, you go into enemy prison. If you are shot, you go and hide for two minutes. Prepare to Die” I said almost robotically. Before spraying all of them with water. I ran for my life while the boys got strapped up.

“Oh it’s on Bridget!” I heard Niall yell. I grinned to myself.

This night was going to be amazing. I hid in the backyard in the shed, getting the perfect advantage point. I heard a few screams and realized Ali was found and most likely water- bombed. I heard a few curses too and saw Harry and Ali so to opposite sides of the backyard. Ali knew better than to give my position away so she never looked over to where I was.

A few minutes and screams later, I saw Liam and Zayn go into enemy prison as well. Three down, two to go. I heard a loud string of swear words come from Kate and Louis and realized they were both out of the game.

Now it was between me and Niall. I wondered where he could be. It was so obvious that I mentally face palmed for not thinking about it. I snuck past the prisoners and went into the kitchen to see Niall there with a water bomb in his hand.

“Hello love” He said with a grin and chucked it at me. I dodged the water bomb and took shelter under the table in the dining room. I heard Niall follow me. You know in those cool James Bond movies where Bond just slides across the floor shooting at the enemy?


I chucked my only water bomb at him and sprayed him with water. He lifted his hand to shield himself from the oncoming water. Next thing I know, I am being tickled by Niall. I begged him to stop being a Meany and stop. He grinned and strokes my cheek. I instantly stopped laughing and looked up at him.

“You know, I never properly thanked you for saving my life” He whispered to me. I blushed and tried to tell him it was nothing but Niall shut me up with a kiss. It was short and sweet but totally worth it. We both blushed at each other.

“I will give you a proper kiss on a date… if you want to go on a date with me?” He said hopefully. I felt as if heaven had given wings and I could fly. I nodded, too happy to say anything. He grinned at me.

“Ali gave me your number beforehand. I’ll text you later” He said to me before giving me a kiss on the cheek. He walked back outside and I heard him declare boys the winner. The boys cheered which snapped me out of my daze.

“Girls won you cheater!” I yelled after him. Niall looked kinda scared of me as I chased him around the back yard. I heard the other laugh from behind me. Niall tripped and we both sort of tumbled until Niall was on top of me. He laughed and gave me a kiss.

Life is perfect!

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