Chapter 3

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Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, what do we do? we swim! I <3 swimming of you hadn't noticed :D Anyways, I'm running out of things to say, so I'm just gonna post :D

Liam's POV

I saw my three best friends; Niall, Harry and Louis knock over three girls as they raced towards us with Nando’s in their arms. They seemed to be extremely happy that they didn’t even notice that they had knocked over three girls in their haste. I saw these three girls glare at them and growled. The first girl had blonde hair and had pale skin with vibrant blue eyes. She was the shortest out of the group of girls and had a bit of an attitude aura. She had a nice figure but it wasn’t like my Danielle’s figure. I closed my eyes and pictured my girlfriend smiling at me. I smiled to myself as I opened my eyes. The second girl had a brilliant hour glass figure that any girl would die for. She had brown hair up to her shoulder blades. Her eyes were hazel that suited her clothing nicely. The last girl was the same height as the second girl. Her hair was up in a messy pony tail as she wore a blue summer dress with white sneaker wedge heels. She and the other girls were talking to Simon as he apologized for Niall, Harry and Louis behaviour. The last girl mumbled something which caused Simon to smile. They said goodbye and the first two laughed at the girl in blue. She blushed and walked onto the plane. We were about to go on too when Simon called us back. He gave THE look to Niall, Harry and Louis.

“You boys owe those girls an apology. They fell down when you banged into them because of the damn Nando’s” Simon said. Niall gasped dramatically and fell to the floor.

Louis and Harry laughed while Zayn and I just shrugged at each other.

“What am I going to do with you boys?” I heard Simon mutter under his breath and pulled us towards the plane.

We entered without any trouble. I noticed we were sitting next to the girls we banged into. I mentally smiled. I took my spot next to Zayn and Simon, while Niall, Harry and Louis sat behind the girls. We took off into the air with no problems. But I mentally face palmed when the boys looked at each other from behind the girls. Zayn noticed too and groaned.

“Hey love. Sorry about crashing into you before. We didn’t mean to” Niall said to the girls. His eyes landed on the blonde one for longer though. Was this the start of a Niall crush?

“No problem.” The blonde replied shrugging. The Blonde went back to flicking through the TV while the Hazel eyed girl went back to her music, unaware that Louis was pulling faces at her. Harry and the Girl in Blue seemed to be having a tough conversation. The girls didn’t seem interested in Harry. I chuckled, that must’ve been a blow to his ego.

“Just tell me your name!” I heard Harry say. He sounded so close to begging it was hard to believe he might actually do so for this girl! The girl turned to him and glared.

“You would’ve gotten it if you were a gentleman and picked me up when you knocked me on my bloody ass!” She declared. Wow, she had a bit of a sailor’s mouth on her. Harry would’ve loved that! I chuckled again at Harrys sort of glazed over look.

“You have a nice ass though” he said winking at her. The girl looked disgusted and turned away. Harry sighed and fell back into his chair in a bad mood. Niall leaned over and whispered something into Harry’s ear that made him lit up. He leaned over to the Girl in Blue again.

“If I guess your name will you go on a date with me?” He asked. Wow…. He really was that desperate for her name. The girl took a moment to consider it.

“Fine, if you can guess my name, I will go on one date with you.” She agreed with a hint of smugness in her voice. She believed he wouldn’t figure out her name. I rolled my eyes. He will though. Harry has his ways of finding out things with the ladies.

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