Chapter 28

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Hello Fishies, sorry I haven't updates in  little while I haven't gotten a chance, I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!! I PROMISE TO UPDATE THE REAST OF THE STORY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liam's POV

I felt full of anger, horror and sadness when I saw the film. I wanted to throw up! Ali had to go through that…. It made me sick that she had to! I would gladly trade places with her if it meant she could live. I felt a rush of pure hatred for one of the kidnappers when he kissed MY girlfriend! I wanted to personally take that knife and stab that man!

HE DIDN’T DESERVE ANYTHING AFTER THIS! We found out a location and we prayed to God that it was the right location.

We stopped and Gabriel opened to back of the van and we tumbled out. James came up to us and told us his plan.

“We’re going to have a soft entry, it will be much harder for them to grab a girl and hold of her and keep her as a hostage, so all of you have to stay behind us.” He said.

But before anything happened, a boy stumbled to where we were his eyes wide in pain and surprise as he saw us. His side was severely hurt. His hand clutching his side was covered in blood. Gabriel called for medical treatment. The boy fell into James’ arms.

“I- I am s-sorry” He choked out. I recognized him immediately.

He was Danielle’s brother, Nick! They were not biologically related but Danielle and him were friends since they were little and Danielle’s parents adopted him when his parents died!

“Nick! What the hell are you doing here?” I asked him, my eyes widening at the wound. He choked out a sob. He turned to face me and clung onto my top as if it was his life support.

“I put the SIM cards here….. Activated them……after the video was sent to you….I tried to get out…to find you… tell you…. But… they found…me…. Stabbed me….I ran…. They are…. Under… red rug… in the blue house three doors down…. Save them” He choked out. James paid rapid attention to him as he uttered his dying words. I could tell Nick was having a hard time holding onto life.

“Come on Nick… stay with me” I begged of him, my eyes turning wet, I tried to hold back the tears but they blurred my vision so I let a few lose. He attempted to smile at me and grasped my hand

“Love…her…. Don’t let…her go” He said, his eyes becoming more and more vacant and he passed out.

Finally the medics arrived and took Nick away; I watched the medical van drive off until it was out of sight. James came over to us.

“It’s now become too risky. I hope they didn’t find out that he activated the SIM cards. It’s too dangerous for you all to come. Leave this to us” James said to all of us including the Parents. They tried to protest but eventually fell silent under James’ glare.

“You know as well as I do that the boys will follow you” Ross said to James. James sighed.

“It’s too dangerous” He sighed.

“At least let the boys come along” Gabriel said. James took one look at the parents.

“You’re relatives and it’s against protocol to let you come into a case when you are so closely involved” James said to the parents before he turned to us boys.

“If you are coming, you are to stay behind us at all times, got it?” He asked to us. We nodded. We knew the adults wanted to protest but they didn’t and followed Oliver back to the van.

We immediately went to the blue house a few doors down. James held his gun up and walked to the door. The tension was so thick in the air we felt like we couldn’t breathe. Gabriel came up to the door and meddled around with it before it gave a soft click.

“Keep your guns up boys” Ross said to us, a little bit of an Italian accent coming into his voice.

James turned and pointed to Oliver and Niall, Gabriel and Zayn, Daniel and Louis, Ross and Harry. He caught my eye and we both nodded. He was pairing us up to help cover the house faster.

We crept into the house following our designated partners. I followed James into the living room. It was nicely furnished, a great white sofa and a beautiful oak table. We looked around looking for a red rug. Nothing. We walked into the kitchen with our guns up. I felt like I was in an episode of CSI or Criminal Minds. Yeah I watch detective shows. Sue me. We looked around, I noticed a knife missing. I indicated it to James who nodded; whoever these kidnappers were, they were armed as well.

We silently crept around the house and met up with the others in the bedroom down the hall. We saw them indicate to a red rug. My heart started to pound. I felt a sense of unease… they were right there! I saw Niall and Louis looked at me excitedly.

“Stay behind me boys.” James whispered. He pulled back the rug to reveal a trapped door. He took a step in and went down. I quickly followed James, my heart pounding in my ear.

“LIAM HELP!” I heard Ali yell.

Fear consumed every part of my body but I forced it back and looked at James. He ran ahead of me and turned around a corner to reveal a flight of stairs. James ran up the stairs with all of us closely behind him. I could literally feel my heart pounding in my chest. I ran up to see Ali being shoved into the black van by a man. The same man that kissed her! Rage consumed me, watching him slam the door. He heard us and began to fire at us. If it wasn’t for Gabriel, we would be dead as he dived, knocking us to the other side of garage. He made us hide behind a small boat.

Gabriel left us there and began to fire at the man. The bullet hit the man just above the heart and I felt a small amount of satisfaction watching him crumbled just a bit. Ross took that opportunity and tackled him to the ground and held him down and grabbed hold of his gun. James glared at the man and crouched down to him and placed his gun to the man’s temple.

“Tell me everything you know and I won’t kill you” James said in a soft voice, his rage hidden behind the illusion of pity.

“I don’t know nuffink!” The man said spitting out blood.

I felt rage consume my body again and if it wasn’t for Daniel and Oliver, I would’ve gone over there and given him a piece of my mind!

“You don’t know?” James said cocking his head slightly before whacking his gun against the man’s head.

“TO HELL YOU DON’T KNOW! TELL ME WHERE THE HELL THEY ARE!” He yelled/growled out. Oliver stood up and went over to James and shoved him back over to us and took over.

“My friend is not a patient man. You have to forgive him. Now you will tell us all you know or I will put a bullet through your thick skull” Daniel said. Jesus! He was scary! His face screamed death lover! His dark eyes searching the man’s grey ones.

“They went to Italy, to some place called Cortez mansion” The man said.

Daniel nodded. James’ eyes widened in fury and shock as he heard this. Cortez Mansion was the place where Ali and I both admitted feelings for each other on our last day there. I took a shaky breath before standing up.

“You have done well” Daniel said before knocking the man unconscious.

“Hand him over to the police outside, I want a full team on this” James growled before grabbing us and pulling us into his car.

“Ross, update the families. My wife is at Cortez mansion as well as my son.” He growled to Ross, his eyes screamed worry. I felt horror sweep into my veins... would these people truly murder a woman and her child? I looked on James’ face and he nodded. I realized I had asked this question out loud.

“Let’s take a trip to Cortez mansion” grinned Gabriel and we sped off in hopes to be there first.

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