june fifteenth: from the other side*

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Rating: 9/10

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Rating: 9/10

Type: Wattpad book (by ccreator)

External Link: Read it on Wattpad

About: Isaiah, the main character, has always loved baseball. And now that he's looking at colleges, it's just as important as ever. Isaiah wants to get a scholarship so that he can get out of Texas and someday go pro. But when a boy with long gold hair and a missing leg keeps showing up at the bleachers during practice, suddenly Isaiah realizes that there's more to life than just baseball.

My thoughts: Since I was a baby, I've been going to baseball games with my dad. So when I saw a LGBTQ+ story with a main character that played baseball, I knew I had to read it. And this book did not disappoint. I loved Isaiah and his friends, because even though some of them made some questionable decisions, they always learned from them in the end. And August. I honestly can't put into words how much I love August. The only reason this book got a 9/10 is because the plot is based mainly on homophobia, which is something that I get tired of easily. But it's still an amazing book!

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