june twenty seventh: mask of celibacy*

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Rating: 10/10

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Rating: 10/10

Type: Wattpad book (by Carolyn_Hill)

External Link: Read it on Wattpad

About: This book is about Jess, an asexual teen who is struggling with her identity. Jess has started writing a blog under the pen name "CelibateForLife". Through her blog, she meets Eric, who is also asexual. He helps Jess understand her identity. When Jess finds out that Eric's college is very close to her hometown, she's excited to meet him in real life. But will things be different once they meet face to face?

My thoughts: This was the first book that I read with an ace main character, and it really helped me understand what asexuality is like. It was both educational and entertaining, and all of the characters were great. Jess's journey of discovering her identity is something every LGBTQ+ teen can relate to, no matter what they identify as. The book is told using a variety of formats including blog posts, IMs, texts, and normal prose. It's short and sweet, and something that I think everyone should read. 

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