june seventeenth: the mortal instruments

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Rating: 9/10

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Rating: 9/10

Type: Published book series

External Link: Buy CoB on Amazon

About: The series starts when Clary Fray discovers that she's part of a race called the Nephilim—descendants of angels whose duty is to protect the Mundane world from demons. She also learns that there are downworlders—people who are part demon and part human or angel—werewolves, vampires, warlocks, and Seelies. Follow Clary and her friends through six books of magic, hardship, and romance as they fight to protect everyone the love. One of the main couples in the series is gay/bisexual, but there is also a lesbian/bisexual couple and a character that is hinted at being ace/aro.

My thoughts: This series is one of my all time favorites! I love all of the characters, especially Alec Lightwood (which you could probably tell from my review of Shadowhunters) and the plot is intriguing and always had me on the edge of my seat. The representation in the books is amazing—especially when Alec, a Shadowhunter, and Magnus, a warlock, start dating. Their relationship is given just as much importance as the straight main couples and it isn't sexualized any more than necessary. Besides TMI, there are also other series in the Shadowhunter Chronicles that include LGBTQ+ representation. Although I haven't read them yet—so I might be wrong—I'm pretty sure that some of them include more gay, lesbian, and bisexual characters, as well as a transgender character and a healthy polyamorous relationship. The only reason that I didn't give the series a 10/10 is because while there is plenty of LGBTQ+ representation, this books are plot-driven and most of the main characters are straight. Still, I love these books with all of my heart.

Edit: I recently found out that one of the characters in the prequel series (The Last Hours) is genderqueer!

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