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Rating: 10/10

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Rating: 10/10

Type: Published book

External Link: Buy it on Amazon

About: When the main character Flynn's girlfriend, January, goes missing, all eyes are on him. After all, it's always the boyfriend. Right? But as Flynn looks deeper into January's past in order to clear his name, he uncovers secrets that even he has no idea about—and he'd known his girlfriend for years. And it doesn't help that he and January were fighting before she disappeared. Because as much as Flynn tried to make their relationship work, deep down, he always knew that he was gay.

My thoughts: This book is absolutely amazing! It has a plot besides a typical gay romance storyline, but it also still includes enough LGBTQ+ content to make queer viewers feel accurately represented. And while there are issues with homophobia, it is shown in a realistic way (homophobic characters aren't made out to be villains), and it is not what drives the key elements of the plot. I loved both Flynn and his love interest, Kaz, and thought that their dynamic was both entertaining and really freaking adorable. If you want to see queer content but want it to be balanced out with an intriguing, complicated plot, this book is for you!

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