june twenty sixth: an amateur's guide to the american east*

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Rating: 9/10

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Rating: 9/10

Type: Wattpad book (by lydiahephzibah)

External Link: Read it on Wattpad

About: This book is a spin-off to the writer's other book, ABGTTAW, and follows Young-Mi and her friends a year later as they take another trip, this time along the east coast. When they get there, Young-mi is instantly drawn too Valerya over their shared love of coffee. When she finds out that her new friend is pansexual, it's like a dream come true. But Young-mi is battling her own insecurities, and she's constantly worried about others' opinions. Since everyone in the group they're traveling in is LGBTQ+, there is plenty of representation, including a aromantic asexual nonbinary character.

My thoughts: This book is amazing! I was so excited when I found out it existed, since I couldn't get enough of the first book in the series and wanted even more of March and Arjun. I also loved getting to know Young-mi as a character, since I also deal with a a lot of insecurities similar to hers. And Valerya is a total badass, and I love her so much. The only reason this book got a 9/10 is that it's currently on hold and the last chapter published kinda leaves you on a cliffhanger, so you might want to wait to read it until the author starts publishing again.

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