01: Fresh start

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"So what time can I move in?".

I'm in class with my best friend, Saint. He was the first one I called right after I moved out from Bright's last week. Since then, I've been kind of couch surfing from one classmate's apartment to another. Luckily, the sharehouse Saint lives in just opened a new slot.

"The room's already ready. You can bring your stuff there after our last class".

"Thanks so much, Saint. Really, how can I live without you? Do you want to be my boyfriend instead?", I looped my arm around his, acting cute.

He laughed at my antics, "Yeah? How would that work if we're both bottoms, huh? And don't thank me, thank Gun for finally giving in to his 'boyfie' as he calls him. Can't believe someone managed to handle Gun".

Gun, our other friend, just moved out of the sharehouse to live with his new boyfriend, Off. So now I'll be using his old room.

"What are the other housemates like?", I asked Saint. "Do you guys get along?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you? Zee also lives there". He smirked, raising his eyebrows.

"Zee?! The same Zee who you occasionally....you know...", I tried my best to whisper so as to not disturb the whole class.

"You can say 'fuck'. It's okay, Gulf. We're both adults here. He's been living there for like two months now".

"Damn. So that's why he's always there whenever I come to visit you. Why didn't you tell me? I could've spared myself. I don't want to hear you guys do dirty yucky shit every night".

"Remind me to give you ear plugs then. And don't worry, we keep it real quiet. Zee has a choking ki––"

"Okay, stop! That's too much information, Saint!", I covered my ears to stop him from saying more details about his sex life.

"Anyway, it'll just be me, you, Zee, and Mew".

"Mew? Why does that name sound familiar?"

"You don't know Mew Suppasit? The Engineering guy who graduated top of both his undergraduate and master's class? He's a PhD student in our department right now. He's quiet but he's nice. He's out studying most of the time. Also, he owns the house. Basically, the perfect man: smart, nice, and rich".

I've heard of Mew Suppasit before. He gave the welcoming speech during this year's freshmen orientation and I heard all the students fell in love with him; girls and guys. I don't know what he looks like but he must be handsome for all the freshmen to drool over him.

"By the way, Gulf. I'm just observing but... you seem too fine for someone who just broke up with his boyfriend of four years. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine", I smiled at him. "Why would I sulk and cry over someone who cheated on me, anyway?".

"Really? I don't want to hear you bawling out loud tonight. Am I the one who needs the ear plugs?", he joked.

"Saint, I'm okay. Everything's good". I assure him.

"Okay...whatever you say". Saint turned his head back to the whiteboard and we both continued to listen in class.


"Where should I put these, Gulf?", Zee stood at the doorway holding multiple bags all at once.

"Just drop them by the door, Zee. Thanks for helping!". He literally did drop the stuff and disappeared into the living room. He's kinda weird and it makes me laugh.

Zee and Saint have been helping me settle in as soon as we got here. No, scratch that. It was more like Saint cuddled with Zee on the couch for a solid fifteen minutes as soon as we got here before actually realizing I was in the room.

I walked out of my new bedroom and saw them spoon feeding each other their dinner at the kitchen. They're acting like newlyweds and they're not even officially together. 

Saint Suppapong, sweetie, please check the label first.

"Can you guys try to respect those who just turned single?", I teased them. "And please, I hope my first night here doesn't end up being a sleepless one, okay?"

"Don't worry, we did it already this morning", Zee answered. He looked at Saint who started laughing with him.

I grunted in disbelief at how they're so casual talking about what goes on in their beds. "Seriously, how does Mew put up with the two of you?".

He isn't here yet and Saint says it's normal for him to come back home way past midnight. He either comes home from studying all night at the library or from drinking too much at the bar down the road.

"He practically never stays here anyway. He's always at a coffee shop or who knows where else".

I pondered on Zee's comment. He's never home and yet he owns the house? "So technically, we're house sitting for him?"

"Well now that you put it that way, yeah kind of". Saint says, "I'm not complaining though. This house is nice and the rent is pretty good".

I'm curious about this Mew guy. I hope I get to see him soon.

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