08: Please?

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I woke up and my chest felt heavy. Mew somehow rolled over to my side of the bed and draped his arm around me. Is he snoring? I turned my head and his mouth was open. He looks funny. My stomach grumbled. I slowly and gently lifted his arm so I could get out of bed.

There wasn't anyone in the living room. Off and Gun probably went home already. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. There's still some leftover food from last night that I could heat up. Suddenly, I heard footsteps fast approaching me from behind.

"Gulf! Gulf!", Saint turned me around, shaking my shoulders.

"Did Mew wake up yet?", he asked with wide eyes.

I shook my head sideways in response.

"Oh god! I told you, Saint! He's dead!" Zee exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.

"Shut up, Zee! Gulf, was he breathing when you went out of the room? Did he like, show signs of life?".  Are these guys high?

"What the heck are you guys talking about? Mew's fine. He's still sleeping", I shook off Saint's grasp.

They both sighed in relief.

"So Off was right...", Zee started to say but Saint quickly covered his mouth.

"What do you guys mean?" I asked them both. Why are they acting so suspicious?

"Uh...we kinda made a bet. We said Mew would only last two hours before waking up but Off said Mew would sleep for more", Saint laughed awkwardly, "We owe him lunch, I guess".

"Well, he's still in there, snoring", I walked past them to get to the microwave. I heard them whispering but I couldn't be bothered to ask what they were talking about.


"Gulf...I think I have to keep sleeping with you".


"Sleep with me every night, Gulf. Please?"

What the hell is going on? I gave in to the dare because I didn't want to spoil the fun and I'm actually glad he got to sleep well but this is ridiculous.

"Mew, is this supposed to be a joke? Are you trying to be funny?".

"I'm not. Gulf, I need you to sleep with me. You...you're the only one who can help me".

I get that he has issues and I sort of feel for him but does he really think I'm the solution to his insomnia? Just because he slept for five hours? This has got to be a prank or something. Did they all plan this? Is this like a weird long ass joke new housemates have to experience?

But, why does he look dead serious?

"This is a prank, right? Zee and Saint are in on this?", I asked him. Please let me be right.

"Huh? No, this isn't a prank. I really do need your help", Mew scratched his head.

"I'm so confused. How am I the answer to your problem, Mew?".


"What? What am I?"

He fell silent and stared at me. He sighed, rubbing circles on his temple. "Nothing. Never mind. Forget I asked". He stood up, walked past me, and left me in the room.

Mew Suppasit, you're one strange guy.

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