Note: Thank you!

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If you've reached this part, thank you so much for reading and supporting this story!

This is my first fanfic / au ever. I know it wasn't written perfectly nor was the plot executed in the best way, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless! I'd like to especially thank those who followed this story as I was uploading and writing each chapter. You guys really motivated me to do my best!

"Through The Night" is my favorite IU song. If you haven't heard of it, I really suggest you give it a listen and search for the english translation of the lyrics. It's such a beautiful yet simple song and I really wanted to interpret it into a story. I'm glad I did this for MewGulf because writing about them just made me love them even more.

Also, I already have a new one in my mind that I'd like to write soon! It's still for MewGulf, of course :)

If you have any questions about the story or anything in general, feel free to comment below and I'll try to answer them. Reactions and/or reviews are also welcome!

Again, thank you all so much! Love you all! 

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