02: Welcome home

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My phone's been ringing non-stop. I groaned and checked the time. It's half past two already. Who the hell is calling me at this ungodly hour? I looked at the Caller ID and sighed at the name displayed on my phone.

I pressed the green button, "Bright? Why are you calling me right now?".

"Gulf, I...I never got the chance to explain", he sounded like he was crying. Why would he?

"Bright, can this wait until the morning? Do you know what time it is?".

"Please, Gulf. I'm really sorry. I want to let you know how I feel and––"

"Bright, stop. We're already done. You don't have to tell me anything".

"Shut up, Gulf!", he shouted through the phone.

I shot up from the bed. I was taken by surprise. He never yelled at me before.

"You sound completely fine when you shouldn't be. I cheated on you! Didn't that hurt? Why didn't you cry? Why didn't you yell at me? I see you on campus and you don't even look like you care that we broke up. What the fuck? Are you fucking human?".

He's drunk. He only swears when he's drunk. Damn it, Bright.

"Go to sleep. Talk to me when you're sober".

"Gulf, you have emotions. You do know that, right? Answer me, why are you so numb?".

I ended the call without answering him. I sighed and left my room to get some water. As I opened the fridge, I heard a loud crash near the front door.

Soon enough Zee and Saint, emerging from the same room, ran towards the hallway. I quickly followed them and saw the situation. There was a guy passed out in front of the door. At first, I thought it was Bright but it wasn't. His arms and legs were sprawled. They helped him up and as they stood, I saw the guy's face.

"Ugh, welcome home", Saint said under his breath.

His eyes are closed but even so I can tell he's quite good looking. His eyebrows are pretty thick. He also has high cheekbones and a nice jawline. He looks older than us. This must be Mew.

"Hey, can you stop staring at him and help us?" I snapped out of it and felt Saint shaking my arm. 

I hurriedly came to Mew's left side while Zee held him up on the other. I tried putting his arm around my shoulder to support him but he groaned. He pulled away and hugged Zee which caused them to stumble down.

They fell with a loud thud. Zee was being crushed by the older guy's body and it looks like it hurt. I quickly tried to roll Mew over to the side and once he finally moved, his eyes opened, looking straight at me.

He stared at me with a shocked expression. Oh right, this is the first time we're meeting each other.

"Hi Mew. I'm Gulf. Your new housemate. I'm Saint's friend. I'm also an engineering stude–".

"Gulf! It's not the time for introductions! Help him up!", Saint hit my head as he came back from the kitchen with a glass of water.

I apologized and pulled him up to sit on the couch. I sat on the other side so Saint could sit beside him and hand him the water. He still stared at me and it made me feel awkward. He looks intimidating. I didn't know what to do so I waved and smiled.

His expression screamed, "Who the hell is this guy?".

"Mew, I texted you this morning that the new housemate would move in today". Saint broke the silence but Mew was too wasted to respond.

It's funny how I just got off the phone with a drunk guy and now I'm dealing with another.

"Okay then. Let's all go to bed. Zee, Gulf, can you help him up?".

We managed to walk him to his room without any or all of us falling. We put him to bed and as we turned around to leave, I heard him speak.


I looked at Zee then back at the drunken mess. He looked straight at me.

"Stay. Sleep with me".

"Bro, he's definitely talking to you. I'm leaving. Good luck," Zee patted my back and quickly headed out the room.

I stood there in place, wondering if I heard him right. Anyway, I chose to ignore it.

"Sleep here".

"Um...Mew, I'll be going now. Nice to meet you and rest well", I waved at him and left the room as quickly as possible. I shut the door and walked back to my room which was just next to his.

I got in bed and covered myself with my blanket. I know it's the alcohol talking, but his face looked dead serious. He looked like he was even pleading.

THROUGH THE NIGHT (MEWGULF)Where stories live. Discover now