36: It's nice to see you

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He was staring right at me as I stood in front of him waiting. He hasn't said anything yet and I'm sure he's also surprised by the fact that we're facing each other here out of all places.

"Can I sit?", I asked him again. He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and quickly nodded. I sat opposite of him and flagged one of the staff to take my order.

Once I got my noodles, I felt the awkward tension between us heighten. I wasn't sure whether I should eat first or just get straight to the point with him. I sensed he was trying to avoid eye contact with me too, but if I let the silence go on, I might lose the chance to say what I want.

"How are you?", I started. He looked at me briefly but didn't answer me. His gaze returned to his food as he fiddled with his utensils.

"Gulf? How have you been doing?", I asked again. I tried tilting my head to get a better look at his face but he turned away. He still didn't answer.

Is he trying to ignore me? I'm not sure why he wouldn't say anything but it feels like he really doesn't want to entertain me. I guess he doesn't want to talk about things right now. I sighed and eventually started eating my food as we continued sitting together in silence. Even though I can't make Gulf verbally communicate with me, this is better than nothing; at least I'm here with him.

I didn't realize I was already very hungry. I took big gulps of the soup and slurped my noodles fast. Gulf was done with his bowl. He wiped his mouth and then rested his elbows on the table. He started staring at me. I think he was actually waiting for me to finish so I quickly ate my noodles again but it caused me to choke. I felt the food lodge in my throat and it made me start coughing. Gulf's eyes suddenly grew wide as I was starting to get frantic. He poured me a glass of water and immediately handed it to me. I took it and drank the cold liquid inside until it was empty.

"Are you okay?", he asked me and handed me a tissue. Finally, he was talking. I also sensed worry in his voice.

"I'm okay".

He nodded and didn't say anything else. He proceeded to be quiet again. Why is he doing this? I really couldn't take his silence anymore. This is the first time I'm seeing him in so long and I just want to let him know how much I miss being with him.

"Gulf, I really miss you", I started to say. "This probably isn't the right place and time to talk about us but I just want to say that my feelings are still the same. I'm not sure if you would ever consider being with me again, but I want to let you know that I still love you. I always have".

I know I just made the atmosphere more serious but I really needed for him to recognize how I feel. 

He suddenly looked somber. He closed his eyes and lowered his head. I didn't know what reaction I was really expecting, but seeing him like this because of what I said hurts a little. Was it because his feelings changed already? Does he really not want to come back?

"I feel like you're rejecting me", I admitted.

He looked up eventually and I saw how his eyes started getting glassy. "No, that's not it", he said.

"Then why are you sad, Gulf?".



"I...I don't know what to say right now". His voice started shaking. "I didn't expect that you would really come here".

"What? Why is that?"

"I just...I'm overwhelmed that you're finally here", he rested his face in his hands.

I don't understand what he's saying. "Huh? What do you mean, Gulf? Why are you even here in the first place?".

After a while, he faced me again and forced a smile. "The beef noodles here are really good".

Something tells me that's not it. "Really?".

"Yes". Then why was he getting teary-eyed?

"That's the only reason?".

He nodded but it just caused a tear to drop. He was biting his lip, trying to stop himself from breaking down. What's going on with him and why was he not telling me the truth?

"Gulf, let me ask you again. Why are you here?".

He then softly cried. I looked around if anyone was watching us but we were too far back in the corner for people to notice our table. 

"Gulf, what's wrong?".

He breathed deeply. "Mew, I'm here because of you; because I wanted to bump into you. I've been going here almost everyday for weeks now hoping you'd come here".

"What?". What is he saying?

"I wanted to see you. I miss you".

None of this was making sense to me. Why would he choose to go here if he wanted to see me so badly? "Gulf, why don't you just go back to the house then?".

"Because I was afraid you didn't want me to after everything I said", he confessed. "I thought this was the only way to get a glimpse of you without me having to suddenly barge in your life again. I wait here all day, hoping you'd come eventually, because I know how much this place means to you. And now here you are", he cried again. "You're right in front of me and I can't believe it".

His words wouldn't sink in. So he comes here every single day just to wait if he'd get the chance to see me? Because he's scared to approach me? Because he thinks that I don't want him anymore? I'm trying to understand the situation but I'm too confused.

"Why would I not want to see you, Gulf? Why would you assume that?", I asked him. "I miss you like crazy and it kills me that I had to spend weeks without you by my side. Do you know that everyday, I try my best to stop myself from driving all the way to your aunt's house so I could take you back with me?".

He cried some more. "So why didn't you?".

"Because, I thought you needed space and because you said that I shouldn't come back". I only followed what he wanted then.

"Mew, I was wrong. I was foolish to think that I could move on from you. I was so stupid to make you leave me alone. I regret ever saying that because the truth is, I feel so lost without you. I...I really need you in my life".

He reached across the table and touched me. I turned my palm upwards and gripped his fingers. I could feel him trembling but I really missed this. I missed holding his hand. 

I knew this was it. Us being here wasn't a coincidence at all. It's crazy that all of this is happening here in this old shabby restaurant but I guess this was really meant to be. I was meant to drive all the way here so I could finally face him; so we could both finally find what we've been longing for.

"Gulf, you have no idea how much I need you too".

"I'm so sorry for everything, Mew. I love you more than I can say".

"I'm sorry and I love you too. I'll never stop loving you". 

Silence filled the air again but this time, it didn't feel so bad. It felt comforting almost, like we've finally accepted our reality. Gulf and I really can't live without each other and even though there was a lot of heartbreak along the way, it feels good now that we have come to this. It took us a while to get here, but I'm glad we eventually did. 

But, there was one last thing I needed to do before we could start taking a step forward. "Can I take you somewhere?", I asked him.

"Where will we go?".

"It's not too far from here. I really want you to meet someone". 

It was about time I introduced him to Type. 

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