22: Just worried?

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It turns out I really was giving a talk at the same workshop as Gulf's. He was surprised when I entered the room, but I was more surprised to see he was sitting next to not just Saint, but his ex-boyfriend and Win.

Last night when I got home, I went straight to the kitchen and found Saint with some guy. He looked really familiar, then it dawned on me who he was. I asked Saint where Gulf was and he told me he was in his bedroom with Bright. I was worried that they were probably fighting again or...never mind. I went to them and they were in mid-conversation when I opened the door. They looked like they were talking about something serious, but both of them looked normal. Gulf seemed fine so I guess it's nothing to worry about. 

I didn't ask him why they were talking in his bedroom or why he invited the two to our house in the first place. Because as Off suggested, I should start trying to keep a certain distance. That doesn't make me less curious though.

The host was introducing me, listing my achievements or whatever. I was still looking at Gulf's group. Bright kept nudging his arm. They were smiling and Gulf had to cover his face. Are they laughing? Since when did they become all buddy-buddy with each other?

The host welcomed me and I stepped on to the podium. I started giving an introduction on the topic I was going to present. I tried my best not to look in Gulf's direction so much because it would be too obvious and I might distract myself. I carried on with my presentation, interactively discussing with some of the students seated in front. I glanced their way one more time and saw that they were listening to me but it's strange how Gulf was smiling so much. I accidentally made eye contact with him and he gave me a little wave.

I had an activity prepared for the workshop. "So I want you guys to group yourselves into four. I'll flash a couple of questions on the screen. I want your group to try and solve them. Don't worry if you guys can't think of an answer; brainstorming with other people is what's important in this exercise".

Obviously, the four of them were in one group. They positioned their chairs in a circle and started talking to each other. But then, Bright embraced Gulf, causing them to laugh. He whispered something which made Gulf push him to Win. Gulf was smiling from ear-to-ear. What are they talking about? I don't think it's about the exercise. I guess I was staring at them for too long since Bright caught me. He waved and tapped Gulf's shoulders to look in my direction. He took Gulf's wrist and made him wave too. I should approach them.

"Hey", I stood in front of them. "You guys okay over here?". I was asking all of them but my attention was on only one person.

"We're fine. Sorry, are we loud?" Gulf looked up at me smiling. Why is he extra cheerful today?

"No. It's good you guys are having a good time".

"Hey Mew, these two are inviting us to hang out with them tomorrow night. Are you in?", Saint pointed at the couple.

"Yeah, you should totally come with us! We'd like to get to know you more!", Bright added.

I look at Gulf and he was encouraging me to answer. Should I even join them? Keep your distance, Mew. "I'll have to see. I think I have to finish up some work, though".

"Aw, that's too bad! I heard you like to drink", Bright said. "By the way guys, I have low-tolerance so you all have to take care of me tomorrow if I get too crazy", he laughed. 

He put his arms around his boyfriend and around Gulf. Why does he have to put his arm around Gulf?

Wait, they're going to a bar? What does he mean if he gets too crazy? I look at Gulf and he seems like he's even excited for tomorrow. It's like he's not even weirded out that he's going to drink with his ex-boyfriend. I should go just in case he gets too wasted. That's reasonable, right?

"I'll be there", I said. "See you guys tomorrow". I walked away and pretended like I was roaming around checking up on the other groups.


We were in bed and Gulf's busy on his phone. I looked at his face and he was smiling to himself. What's he doing?

"What's so funny?", I asked.

He didn't look at me. He kept typing something on his screen. "Nothing. Bright keeps texting me". They're texting now? Since when have they been messaging each other?

"What did he say?", I tried to look at his screen, but he put his phone away quickly. Is he hiding something from me? Why am I not allowed to see it?

"It's nothing. He just keeps sending me random stuff". He finally turned to me and snuggled against me, hugging my waist. "Let's sleep".

I wanted to ask him why he suddenly decided to be friends with Bright. And, why on earth does he want to spend time with him? How come they seem so close already? But if I ask, would it sound like I'm prying too much on his life? I need to give him space, right? It shouldn't bother me that he's friends with his ex-boyfriend...right? 

I'm not supposed to lead him on. I'm not supposed to get too close than I already am. But...I'm a little worried right now. I worried that Gulf being close to that guy again would affect the way we are.

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