31: Birthday night

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Two years ago.

"Gulf, honey, let's go", my mother tried to guide me to the car but I refused to move.

We were all standing on the sidewalk outside the club. I already puked two times on the street before my parents got here. I hid behind Bright and gripped his waist tighter. They kept forcing me to go with them but I didn't want to. I wanted to go to Bright's house and spend the night. I wanted to sleep with him and by sleep, I mean I wanted to have sex. Of course, my parents don't know that and yes, it's so childish but it's my birthday after all. 

Can't I just do what I want tonight?

"Gulf, we're taking you home now", my dad said in a strict tone. "You're wasted. You can't even hold yourself up! We'll drive you to Bright's in the morning".

"No! I want to go with him!", I slurred my words and locked my arms around my boyfriend. "Bright, I'm sleeping over okay?".

"Gulf, your parents are right", He released my grip and turned around to face me. "We can hang out again tomorrow. You need to rest first". He tried handing me to my mother again but I pulled away.

I scrunch my eyebrows at him. I stomped my feet like a kid and whined. I knew I was acting crazy but I couldn't control myself. It was because of all the alcohol I just consumed. "No! I'm staying with you! Don't you love me?!".

"Of course I do, Gulf", Bright scratched the back of his head.

"Gulf, listen to us, will you?", my mom said in a gentler voice. "You have had enough for tonight. Sweetie, you smell like alcohol and there's vomit on your shirt. Let's get you cleaned up at home, okay?".

"No! No! No! It's my birthday and I don't want to go home!", I dropped on the sidewalk, sitting on the dirty concrete. "I'm 20 already! I can handle myself!".

"You're acting like a child right now, son", my dad crossed his arms and sighed.

"Please let me spend the night at Bright's!", I whined again, looking up at all of them. "I can sober myself up. I can shower and borrow his clothes. I'll even go home early tomorrow! Just let me do this tonight, please?".

"Gulf, get up", Bright tried to pull me but I pushed his hand away.

"I'm not moving here until you say yes!".

Both of my parents groaned in defeat. "Bright, we're really sorry. Are you okay with taking care of Gulf for now?", my dad asked him.

"It already seems like I don't have a choice right now, do I?", he awkwardly laughed. "Don't worry, I'll take care of him".

"Call us if anything happens, okay?", my mom told him. She faced me with a stern look, "Behave yourself, Gulf. Try not to make a mess at his place, okay?".

I quickly nodded and stood up back on my feet. I squeezed my boyfriend's arm and bounced in excitement. "Yes! Yes! I'll be good! You can go now! I love you! Thank you! Bye!".

My dad shook his head at my ridiculousness. They waved at us and got back in the car. We waited for them to drive away before we went to the parking lot.

We arrived at his place and I ran to his bathroom so I could shower fast. I got rid of the nasty smell on my body and I scrubbed myself extra clean. I gargled some mouthwash and checked if I had anything in my teeth. He let me borrow his t-shirt and boxers. I crawled onto his bed and made myself comfortable. He had gone to the bathroom after me and a few minutes later, he came out with just a towel around his waist.

I got excited at the sight of him. I think I was still a bit tipsy because the next thing I said to him was a little too straight forward.

"Have sex with me".

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