10: Hello again

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He still keeps asking me and I can never avoid him. Whenever I see him at school or at home, he would randomly come up to me and say, "Sleep with me" and would just walk away when I turn him down. What a weirdo.

Does he really think the more he asks, the more I'll eventually say yes?

"The other day I handed him my sleeping pills and he wouldn't take them", I was telling Gun and Saint. "He says they don't work for him but me sleeping with him will. What's up with that?".

Gun giggled at my story. Zee and Saint owed Off lunch because of their silly bet so we decided to go to a cafe near the university.

"Maybe he actually has a thing for you and wants you to get busy in bed with him", Gun jokes.

"No way! He literally means just sleeping. Besides, does he even like guys?", I asked, directing the question to Off.

"He does. Why? Are you interested now?", Off nudged me.

"What? No! I'm done with relationships", I told them. I'm not interested in having a partner right now and maybe even in the near future. I don't think I need someone right now.

"Relationships? What does that have to do with sleeping with him, huh? Look at these two! They're all hot and horny for each other yet won't commit!", Off was referring to Zee and Saint who were in front of us.

"Hey! I call foul!", Zee exclaimed.

"Where's Mew anyway?", Saint asked Off.

"Beats me", Off shrugged.

"Can someone text him? I feel bad that Gulf's the only one here without a boyfriend or fuck buddy", Gun laughed at his own words. I threatened to punch his arm but he just made a silly face at me.

Zee was laughing by himself. He was on his phone and showed the screen to Saint. Saint rolled his eyes and handed the phone to me. Off and Gun hovered to see what was so funny.

Zee: Wanna have lunch with us?
Mew: Us?
Zee: Me, Saint, Off, Gun, and Gulf
Mew: Pass.
Zee: Come here!!!!
Mew: No thanks.
Zee: I'll pay for your meal ;)
Mew: Really?
Zee: Hahaha NO. What will get you to join us?
Mew: Tell Gulf to sleep with me.

Off grabbed the phone in my hand and started texting. After he was done, he placed the phone on the table and proudly smiled. "He'll be here in a few minutes".

We all leaned forward to look at the screen and saw what he did.

Zee: Mew, this is Gulf. Have lunch with us and I might say yes.


Mew arrived after twenty minutes and he's been quiet since then. I could tell he was glancing at me from time to time but I pretended not to notice.

I'm really curious about him. Aside from the fact that it's bizarre that he keeps trying to convince me to agree to what he wants, I wonder what caused him to have those problems in the first place. And, how did he own such a big house alone? Where are his parents? It must have been lonely to live in such a big empty place.

The cafe door opened. I was a little surprised to see him here. He's with Win, of course. They must be doing well. I tried to hide behind Gun's shoulder but this guy's too small for me to be covered completely. We accidentally made eye contact. They sat down at a table near the window. Bright said something to Win and then stood up.

Please don't come here.

"Gulf...", I looked up and he was staring at me.

"Uh, Hi", I managed to say.

THROUGH THE NIGHT (MEWGULF)Where stories live. Discover now