27: Forgive myself

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I opened the front gate of the familiar old house with my spare keys. It still looks the same only there were a variety of colorful plants sprouting in the garden. Auntie's flower shop must be doing well. After the accident, she took me in to live with her. I was old enough to get by on my own but she says that it's no use to live in a house that didn't feel like home to me anymore. She's still quite young. She doesn't have any kids nor is she married. My mom was her older sister and they were really close. She fed me and took care of me but I know it was hard for her too.

I feel bad that she has to worry about me. She pays for my tuition and gives me my monthly allowance and I feel guilty because even though her business is stable, I know it must be hard for her to earn money for the both of us. I've had multiple part-time jobs before so I could at least pay her back in small amounts, but when she found out I worked late until early mornings, she made me quit. She wanted me to focus on my studies because that's what my parents would have wanted. She's literally an angel. I can't thank her enough for supporting me.

"Gulf! You're here!". The front door opened and she sprinted to me, embracing me in her arms. "Happy happy birthday, kid".

"Hi Auntie. I missed you!", I rubbed her back as she hugged me really tight.

"Let's go inside! I cooked some of your favorites", she pulled me inside the house until we reached the dining area. "Come sit and eat. So how are you? What have you been up to? Update me about everything!". She sat opposite of me and poured me a glass of water.

"I've been doing well, Auntie. My studies are okay and I'm eating regularly. I guess I should also tell you that Bright and I broke up but we're on good terms now so don't worry about that", she had a surprised look on her face but she let me continue.

"and I moved in with Saint at a sharehouse. It's been really fun living there. Everything's good right now. I mean, this day has always had that same feeling before but I feel okay for the most part", I smiled at her.

"That's great to hear, Gulf. I'm glad you're getting by so well. You always used to come here so upset, but now you seem happy", she leaned forward and touched my hand. "I understand that today is an emotional day for you, it is for me too, and we both understand why. But, I hope you don't make that as an excuse for not treating yourself well for the rest of your days".

Auntie knows how I feel about my birthday. Turning a year older hasn't been important for me since the accident happened. I don't care about blowing candles on a cake or getting presents anymore. This day always leaves us a heavy feeling and it's unavoidable. My parents died on this day two years ago, so celebrations are out of the question for me.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?", she asked, raising her eyebrows. "Maybe explain to me why you're going to come back here again tomorrow and not just sleep over like usual?".

"I'm bringing someone with me. I want you to meet him. He's one of my housemates", I took the glass and drank the remaining water inside.

Her smile was getting bigger. "Is he really only a housemate? You don't bring just anyone here, Gulf".

"He's my boyfriend", I said quietly.

She gasped and clutched her hands together. "I knew it! Gulf! Why didn't you tell me earlier?! What's his name? What's he like? Wait, what kind of food does he eat? I have to prepare something good tomorrow! I have to go to the market and–"

"Auntie, calm down! This is why I didn't mention him to you before because I know you're going to fuss over him!", I laughed at her for being so frantic. "His name is Mew. He's a couple years older than me and he's studying for a PhD at the university. He owns the sharehouse and he's going to like whatever you cook for him. Did I answer all your questions?".

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