15: Dense

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I was walking around our department's building with Pleum, a classmate that I've grown close to. I refer to him as my 'good old drinking buddy'. I looked to my right and I saw my housemates in the students' lounge. Zee and Saint seem to be playing a game on their phones. Gulf had his head on the table. Sleeping, maybe?

"Pleum, I'll go ahead. See you in class". I walked away, heading to my other friends.

"Yeah sure. Hey! Don't forget about Friday, okay? Drinks are on me!", he shouted from where he was standing.

I walked towards them. Saint noticed my presence already but I signaled him to stay quiet. I sat next to Gulf and draped an arm over his shoulders. He grumbled in response.

"Saint, get your arm off me. I'm trying to sleep", he whined. "Saint?". He looked up and was startled to see me.

"You're here", he yawned and stretched his arms.

"Tired?" I asked him and he nodded.

I jokingly pulled his head so he could rest on my shoulder. I hugged him, patting his head. "Aw, Baby Gulf is tired. Is it bedtime already?".

He pulled away and hit my arm hard enough for me to feel a slight bit of pain.

"Baby Gulf?", Zee laughed.

"Can you guys stop being so disgustingly cute and wholesome?", Saint scoffed and pretended to gag.

"At least we're wholesome! All you and Zee ever do is exchange sex jokes to each other. Imagine how tired I am hearing you guys dirty talk?", Gulf rolled his eyes.

I laughed at Gulf's remark. Maybe I should also tease him a little bit. "So you agree that we're disgustingly cute?"

Gulf fell silent and looked away. He's so shy! This is too funny.

"Let's go home", I held his arm and pulled him to stand up.

"Can we get food first? I'm hungry", Gulf pouted and placed his hand on his tummy.

I instantly thought of a place where we could eat. I hope he likes beef noodles.

"Can we join?", Saint asked me.

"Sorry, today, it's just me and Gulf".


"We really came here this far for beef noodles?", Gulf asked, looking around the restaurant.

I brought him to this old restaurant a couple miles away from the sharehouse. This place looks a little shabby but the food is really good. I have a lot of good memories of this place. The old lady who works here knows me well. I've been eating here since I was a kid.

"Glad you're back, son", the lady smiled and patted my back. "I see you brought a friend". She placed two bowls in front of me and Gulf before heading back to the kitchen.

"You come here often don't you?", Gulf asked me, breaking his chopsticks.

"I do". I usually come here when I feel tired and want to recharge.

Gulf slurped his noodles and I could see the look of awe in his face. His eyes grew wide and he ate more without holding back. I guess he really was hungry.

"What the hell? Why is this so good?", he talked with his mouth full and with soup dripping down his chin.

I grabbed a tissue and wiped his face for him. "You're such a messy eater". He moved his head back and grabbed the tissue from me, continuing to clean his mouth himself.

"Why didn't you invite Saint and Zee? They would have loved this!", he asked.

I swallowed my food before speaking. "It's 'cause I don't bring just anybody here".

"What? Why?".

I told him that this place is special to me and only the people who I think are, well, special too, get to eat here with me. "I came here with my family when I was a kid and when I got older, I used to bring Type here a lot".

He suddenly put down his utensils and wiped his mouth again, avoiding eye contact. He didn't say anything for a while but then he swallowed his food and turned to me. "Did you bring me here because of that? Mew, I told you. Don't treat me like I'm Type".

I realized what I said. I didn't mean it that way. I could see disappointment in his face. My chest suddenly felt tight seeing him upset.

"That's not what I meant, Gulf", I held his hand under the table. "I brought you here as you, as Gulf. I'm trying to tell you that you're special to me".

"How am I special to you? Just because I help you with your insomnia? Not to mention, the only reason why I am of help to you is because I look like Type", he said quietly yet with a hint of annoyance.

"You think you're only helping me with my insomnia?", I asked him.

"Well, yeah. That's the only thing I've been doing for you".

I sighed. This boy doesn't realize it. "Gulf, can you just forget that I told you that you look like him? Yes, I can sleep better now, but my life is slowly starting to get better too. Look, I never really hang out with the other housemates before nor do I tutor any of them. I used to spend my days elsewhere and my nights either drowning in studies or in alcohol. Do I seem like I still do those things now?"

He didn't say anything but he shook his head.

"You're also helping me understand that I can't just live my life and deal with stuff alone, Gulf. I'm learning a lot of things from you. Can you stop sulking now?".

"Okay. Thanks, Mew, for everything you just said". He went back to eating his noodles. They're probably cold by now, though.

"Of course. You're a really special friend, Gulf". 

I looked at him and he had a weird expression on his face. I couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

Author's Note:
Pleum is a fictional character, not based off of any actor :)

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