37: This is Gulf, this is Mew

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The sun was starting to set when we got to where Type was buried. 

I'm used to visiting cemeteries all the time but it feels different here. Maybe it's because I've never actually seen him before and I've only heard stories about him through Mew, so now seeing Type's name on the tombstone right in front of me felt a little surreal.

Mew sat on the ground and I followed him. He put an arm around my waist as he pulled me closer. "Hey, Type. So this is Gulf".

I didn't say anything but I nodded. I kind of feel shy because even though he doesn't know me, I'm aware of just how he ended up like this. I almost feel like I should apologize to him but I've already come to the conclusion that I don't have to. I've already accepted that none of this was my fault. I do feel sorry, but I know now that I shouldn't blame myself for something I didn't have any control over. Things already turned out this way and it's no use for me to keep holding myself down with the past.

I just want to live in the now and with Mew. I'm sure Type would understand that.

"A lot has happened since the last time I was here", Mew started telling Type. "But if you can't already tell, everything turned out okay. Well, things took longer than I expected but what matters is that we're finally here. Type, meet the love of my life".

Mew caressed my waist as he continued, "You already know how much he means to me. I've cried and talked endlessly about all the things I love about Gulf, and you're probably tired of hearing me go on and on about him by now. But, I brought him here so I could show you just how thankful I am to you. I'm thankful that you led me to him. Now that I think about it, it's funny how you were only supposed to give me a little bracelet that night, but who knew I was getting something so much better? Maybe Gulf was your special gift to me all along".

I couldn't help but to shed tears at what he just said. Mew eventually noticed I was crying so he held my hand tight.

"You really remembered my words. Through the night", Mew spoke some more. "Do you know why I said that to you in the first place? 'Cause just like the moon, I wasn't able to see you whenever the sun came. We couldn't always be with each other the way we wanted to. But even so, you showed me just how much you loved me all those times we were together, and I'm so happy you brought me to someone I want to give my all to.

Gulf deserves to be loved and I feel so blessed that I get to do just that. I'll love him through the night and all through my days. I'll keep him safe and I'll be by his side at all times. I promise this to you, Type. I'm going to keep loving Gulf with everything that I am and you can haunt me in my dreams again if I fail to keep that promise".

He looked at me and smiled softly. Mew telling Type about all of this was a big reassurance that his feelings for me are so raw and so genuine. To see Mew being this vulnerable in front of Type, explaining how much he loves me, makes my heart want to burst. It's as if I almost can't believe that someone cares about me this much. Mew has made me feel things that I have never felt before and it's a little overwhelming. But, I'd rather feel this way everyday than to not be loved by him at all.

"Gulf, do you want to say anything?".

I looked back at the tombstone and thought about what I wanted to say. I took a deep breath and started to lay down all my emotions onto him.

"Where do I even start? It's nice to finally meet you, Type. To be honest, it would've been nice if I got to know you because you seem like a great person, but then that might've just made things totally different. I thought of saying sorry, but I think I just want to say thank you as well. It's really unfortunate that you had to leave this world along with my parents, but I believe now that everything happens for a reason. So I'll just take this time to thank you for loving Mew and for bringing him to me. Don't worry, Type. I'll make sure to take care of him. He can't always give and give, right? I'm going to love him wholeheartedly and selflessly too.

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