23: The sign

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All the things Off said the other day, they're still replaying in my head. Should I ask Gulf what he thinks about us? I'm scared, though. I'm scared that he might say things that I'm not ready to hear. Should I just let things be? But, what if we keep staying like this and he gets tired of me eventually? What if he starts to find comfort in someone else? 

Can somebody out there just give me a sign? What the hell should I do?!

Zee and I went to the bar together a little bit later since we both had to get some work done first. I hope Gulf isn't too drunk yet. We went inside and spotted them immediately since they were being so loud; mostly Bright was. Does he always have to talk so much?

"Oh! Guys!", Gulf waved at us from where they were. He stood up and approached us. He pulled me to sit next to him. Zee ordered shrimp cocktails. I handed one to Gulf but he didn't want to take it. "Um...no thanks, Mew".

"He's allergic to seafood", Bright suddenly explained. "Here Gulf", he passed down the bowl of nachos to him instead. He never mentioned his allergy before. How come he never told me?

"Sorry, I didn't know", I told him.

"It's fine", Gulf patted my back.

I ordered two margaritas from a server. When the drinks arrived, I handed one to Gulf. He looked at me surprised.

"Oh Mew, Gulf doesn't drink alcohol. Well, at least not anymore", Bright said to me. What? Really? He didn't tell me this either.

"You don't drink? How come?", I asked him again.

"Um...it's just a personal decision". Gulf glanced at Bright like he's giving him a signal. What's going on?

"Trust me, you don't want him drinking at all. He gets super super touchy", Bright laughed.

"You know, that's how I met him", Bright began to say. "He got so drunk at our freshmen beach trip. I didn't know him at that time but he just suddenly grabbed my face and made out with me!".

What the hell?  Why is he suddenly talking about this? How is this relevant right now?

"Shit! I remember that! I had to pull you guys apart!", Saint added.

"Shut up! You're going to make Win upset!", Gulf punched his arm. That's right, Gulf.

"No! Please continue! I want to know what happened next!", Win exclaimed. Is he serious? He wants to hear the whole story?

"I can't remember everything but he made out with me and Saint had to pull him away. I didn't see him again that night but heck, I wanted to. Anyways, the morning after, surprisingly he recognized me and sat next to me on the bus going home; and he wouldn't stop apologizing", Bright continued.

"Then how did the two of you end up together?", Zee asked.

"He asked me what he could do to make it up to me and I told him to kiss me again".

The rest of the guys made all sorts of noises while Bright laughed his ass off. Gulf covered his face but I could hear him laughing behind his hands. He's actually liking this?

"It's still so cringey!", Saint shouted.

"Bright, you're the bravest man I know", Zee gave him a high-five.

I don't understand any of them right now. How could they think this situation is normal? Bright talking about Gulf in front of Win? Win actually encouraging Bright to talk about Gulf? Them acting like the best of friends? What the fuck is this?  Gulf's not even uncomfortable right now. He actually seems like he's enjoying it. He keeps laughing at Bright whenever he says something. The guy isn't even that funny.

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