06: Fun and games

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"Hey, it's getting boring. Can we do something?", Gun said while his whole body was on top of Off's on the couch.

"Let's play a game! Any suggestions?", Saint announced to the whole room.

Everyone, including Mew who's sitting beside me, was in the living room watching random shows on the TV. Zee wondered why Mew suddenly wanted to hang out with us but he just brushed off the question. No one's actually paying attention, though. Zee and Saint have been play fighting on the floor, Gun and Off have been cuddling non-stop, and Mew was on his phone.

Mew would occasionally ask me random questions like: How's school? Do you like soccer? Do you like video games?

I think he's trying to get to know me more and I do also want to get to know him but I feel a bit awkward right now. When he and Off left his room, they acted like nothing happened. Off apologized and explained how he was just shocked to see Gun being so close to me. He says he can get very possessive so Mew pulled him away to calm him down.

"How about...Would You Rather?", Gun suggested.

"Oh! Let's make it interesting!" Zee got all excited, "We give two dares and the person has to actually do the dare they choose".

"Huh? I don't get it", Saint commented.

"Okay...Saint, would you rather kiss me or lick a toilet seat?", Zee asked him.

"Kiss you, of course!".

"Then you have to do it!", Zee exclaimed. Saint gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Oh, I get it now!", Gun chimed in. "Let's do that!".

Mew stood up, "You guys go ahead, I'll just be in my roo–"

"Nope! You're staying!", Off sat him back down. "You never join these kinds of things. You gotta let loose, man. It's not like you won't get your precious PhD if you have fun once in a while!".

Mew tried to leave the room again but Off sat on him so he couldn't stand back up. "You're going to have fun, Suppasit!"


We've been playing this new version of Would You Rather? for a while now and the dares have been somewhat crazy. One thing led to another and now Off has no pants on, Saint's face is covered with flour, and I'm cradling Zee on my lap like a baby.

It was Mew's turn and Off was the one to ask. He thought to himself for a while and then he looked at his friend with an amused grin like he just came up with the best idea ever.

"Mew, my best friend...." he started saying.

"I swear if it's something ridiculous, I will punch you in the stomach", Mew warned him.

"My dear friend whom I value so much...", Off began acting dramatically sweet. "Would you rather make out with my boyfriend for a solid minute or lie down on a bed with Gulf until you both fall asleep?".

"Papii!" Gun hit him on the chest. "What are you doing?!"

"Don't worry, Gun. If Mew also values me as a friend and if he's really smart as he claims to be, he would know what to pick". Off assured him loud enough so everyone could hear. He raised his eyebrows, waiting for Mew's decision.

"I'm going to punch you!", Mew prepared to stand up and Off quickly ran across the room to avoid getting hit.

Everyone obviously knows that the latter option's his only choice, because no one in their right mind would kiss Gun in front of his self-proclaimed possessive boyfriend. Also, that's such a weird and random dare. I was still holding Zee and didn't know where to look. I let out a nervous laugh to ease the weird atmosphere but nobody was saying anything, they were all watching the two friends run around the house.

"I don't want to play anymore! You're out of your mind!", Mew shouted.

"That's unfair! I had to take my pants off and you know I don't just show my gorgeous legs to anybody!", Off screamed back.

They were running back to the living room where the rest of us didn't really know what to do.

Off sat beside me and shook my arm repeatedly. "Gulf! Tell him it's unfair! Rules are rules, right?" he whined.

"Shut up!" Mew threw a pillow in our direction but it hit me instead.

"Just do it, you big man child! It's not a big deal! Right, Gulf? You guys just have to lie down, close your eyes, and sleep. Easy!" Off was trying to convince me.

I honestly didn't know how to respond. I looked at Mew and it was like he wanted to strangle his best friend so bad. Our eyes met and he instantly looked away. I think he's shy about the dare, which is pretty understandable since we literally just met days ago. I don't even know much about him and we haven't really had a real long conversation yet.

"I think it's time for a new game..." Saint interjected quietly.

"Uh...yeah. Let's just go watch a movie", Gun added. "Off, come here".

"Ugh, fine. So much for fair play", Off sighed in defeat.

"If Gulf is okay with it then...fine".

Everyone's heads turned to look at Mew. He was staring at me while raising an eyebrow. His expression was firm and serious as if he already completely agreed to Off's ridiculous request. The guys turned to look back at me this time, waiting for my answer.

"Gulf, come on! Don't ruin the game! If you do this, I'll do anything you want! Just don't make me go naked. Please, Gulf!", Off kept whining. I don't know why he's so persistent about this, but I guess that's just how he is.

If we just have to fall asleep beside each other, that seems pretty harmless to me. I'm not saying I'm a hundred percent all for the idea, but if it gets Off to stop being so annoying then...

"Yeah, sure. I'll sleep with Mew". 

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