38: Home again

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We drove back to where it all started.

Being here in this moment with him feels different now. It has never felt so right. This sharehouse holds all of our memories together. Everything happened here. We met, we fought, and we loved in this place.

When you look back on things, you'd see just how everything fell into place so perfectly; like all of this was bound to happen somehow. Everything had a meaning and nothing was by chance. We were always meant to find each other.

This was home and I'm not just talking about this physical space. He's the one I run to when I feel lost. He's the one that can shelter me and comfort me. He's the one I'll keep coming back to. He is my home.

If it weren't for him, I would have never learned to forgive and move on. I would have never let myself love and be loved again. Everything that I am today is because of him; because I chose to love him.

And even though home somehow reminds us of the past, it also motivates us to go forward. We'll start putting everything behind us to create a brand new life. A life where we will learn more from our mistakes and finally love each other to the fullest.

I know it's not going to be easy and I know we'll have difficulties along the way, but he's worth it. He's worth fighting for. No matter how many times we fall, we'll just get right back up; because our love for each other is stronger than whatever we may face. We can overcome anything. We'll get through all the nights and days together. We're going to be alright.

This is just the beginning of our story, anyway.


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