32: Drive safe

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Two years ago.

I looked back at my reflection one last time. I brushed my hair back for tonight. Type loves it when I wear this hairstyle. Maybe wearing a suit is a bit too much, but I really wanted to go all out for tonight. I walked out of my room and into the dining area where I already laid a vase full of flowers on the table. I checked if everything was in place. The food was ready for reheating and the candles were waiting to be lit. All I was missing was my boyfriend.

It's our date night and I wanted to make it extra special this time. There's no particular reason why. I just feel like spoiling him tonight. We only get to hang out like this so I asked my housemates if they can sleep over somewhere else. I might have paid them too. I know, it's a little bit rude but they understand.

We can't really date that much outside because Type's afraid someone he knows might see us. We always end up hanging out here in my house on most nights. He lives with his parents and when he has to go out and see me, his excuse is always the same; that he has to go to the public library to study. They actually believe him since he's a med student and his workload is pretty heavy. His dad was the one who wanted him to become a doctor. It's funny how they think Type's been studying for his classes all this time. If only they knew I was the only thing being studied.

His parents don't know we're dating and they don't really approve of him being gay. That's why we have to keep our relationship on the down low. He's afraid that they might disown him if they knew. I completely understand his situation, though. I know what it's like to feel alienated by your own parents and to not be fully accepted for who you are. It sucks, so this is the least I can do to make Type feel that he doesn't have to be ashamed of himself or of us. And, no matter what happens, I'll still love him even if it's in secret.

My phone rang and saw his name on the Caller ID. "Hey babe, where are you?"

"I'm almost there! Sorry I'm late, I had to wait for my parents to fall asleep first", he laughed through the phone. "I didn't really want to explain why I was going to the library in a suit".

I chuckled. "It's fine, Type. I can wait".

"Did you eat yet? It's really late now", he asked and my lack of response made him sigh. "Mew, don't tell me you haven't eaten. You know that's not good for you".

"But I wanted to have dinner with you", I whined.

"Fine, I'll try to get there as fast as I can", he said. "Oh, and I have a surprise for you".

"Huh? What surprise?".

He laughed. "If I tell you then it's not a surprise anymore, is it?".

"Mmm, can you give me a hint?". I wondered what it was.

"It's something special that I think you'd really love. I can't wait to give it to you, babe". Type wasn't the kind of person to give gifts all the time so it really made me curious just how special was his surprise for me.

"Are you giving me your body and soul tonight?", I teased him. 

"Shut up!", he laughed. "Actually, what if you're right? You would like that, huh?".

"Well whatever it is, I'm excited. I can't wait to see you, Type. I love you".

"I love you more, Mew".

"I'll hang up now. Drive safe, babe".

I wondered if there was still traffic at this time, but I'm pretty sure there wasn't. It's almost three in the morning and he still wasn't here. I've been sitting in the living room alone for hours now. The food's gone cold already. My stomach's been grumbling but I still wanted to wait for him. I thought of possible reasons why he hasn't arrived yet. Maybe his parents woke up and asked him to come home already, or maybe he forgot something and had to return to his house and get it. But, where he lives was just a few miles away. It shouldn't take him this long to drive all the way here.

I tried calling and texting but he wasn't picking up or even replying. Another hour had passed and there was still no sign of him. I was getting worried. I had no idea where he was. Something bad might have happened but how do I even find him? If I go to his house, how will I explain to his parents why I was at their doorstep so early in the morning or who I even was in the first place?

It's 5:00AM now. He should be home right now. I'm praying that he is. At this point, I didn't even care that he didn't show up for our date. All I wanted to know if he was alright. I was walking around the house trying to figure out what to do.

My phone suddenly buzzed and I quickly looked at it. I expected it to be him but it was my best friend instead.

"Hello? Off? Why are you calling me?".

"Mew! Thank god you picked up! I couldn't reach you for a while!", he shouted through the phone causing me to wince.

"What? What's going on?". I asked him and he was silent for a while before screaming again.

"Fuck! You don't know?! How should I even say this?! Where are you right now?!", he asked.

"I'm at home. Why? And can you stop shouting?", I complained.

"Okay um...I really shouldn't say this over the phone. Can I come over?", he suddenly requested. "I have something to tell you".

"Why can't you say it now? Look, I'm getting really tired. I haven't gotten any sleep. Type was supposed to come over but somehow he didn't so I was up all night waiting for him. I have to hang up soon. He might call me and–".

"Mew! This is about Type!", he cut me off.

"Huh? What about Type?", I suddenly felt anxious. "What happened?".

"Mew...he...he's in the hospital".

I dropped my phone without even hanging up. My legs grew weak and I eventually fell on the floor. "Mew! Mew!" I could still hear Off screaming through the speakers.

I eventually grabbed my phone again with shaky hands. "W-what did you say?".

"I'm sorry. I just found out. My sister just got done working at the emergency room. There were people brought in after being in a car crash. She saw one of the guys and said that he looked really familiar. She even looked at the records to confirm. It...it was Type. She said it was Type, Mew. She's seen pictures of us so she knew it was him!".

I gripped my phone harder and closed my eyes. How the hell did this happen? "Off, can you fetch me right now? Take me to the hospital".

"Mew, no...I can't becau–"

"What the fuck do you mean you can't?! You just said that Type got into an accident!", it was my turn to shout at him.

"It's no use right now, Mew!", he screamed back.

"What are you saying?! I need to see him!". I couldn't understand why he kept refusing. My boyfriend's in the hospital and he won't take me there? I needed to make sure Type was okay. 

"Off! Answer me!".

"Mew...Type...Type just died".

I froze. My throat started going dry and my heart started pounding so hard. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. Those words hit me like a train that I never saw coming. How? Why did this happen? Who did this? So many questions started forming in my head because this didn't make any sense at all. Everything was confusing; but I was quite sure of the fact that my life just turned into a living hell.

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