05: Try it

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"What the fuck?" Off exclaimed when he saw Gulf.

I didn't know what to do so I grabbed my friend and brought him to my room. He's been pacing back and forth, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Mew, what the hell?" Off was so confused. He's been scratching his head, rubbing his eyes, and mumbling under his breath.

"Can you please stop acting crazy for a second? You're reacting way too excessively".

"How can I not?! Don't you see it, Mew?!" He raised his voice.

"Shh! They'll hear you outside! And yeah, of course I see it. I'm not dense". I sighed.

"Bro, what the hell?", Off finally sat down on my desk chair.

"Okay, moving on...He just moved in" I explained.

"Have you talked to him? Like, get to know him and shit?". Off leaned forward waiting for me to answer.

"Not really. I probably will eventually. Anyways, you know what's weird? I've been sleeping really well since I met him. I mean, it's only been a few days but I didn't wake up sweating like I used to". I confessed to my best friend.

"Dude...this is something else. Is Gulf–"

"No. He's not". I cut him off before he could say anything further.

"Then, why can you sleep better when he's around?". Off scratched his head.

"I don't know. Maybe because he...", I trailed off. "Anyways, at least I'll be getting some good rest from now on".

Off shook his head. "Why don't you sleep with him then? Maybe you can finally rest for eight to ten hours like a normal person".

I know he meant it sarcastically but I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about it. I even vaguely remember asking Gulf when I came home drunk. He probably thinks I'm crazy.

"Should I try to get him to sleep with me?", I thought out loud.

"Are you nuts, Mew?! You'll scare the poor guy away! You can't just ask him to sleep with you, pervert!". Off was surprised I even suggested the idea.

"It's not like I'm going to do anything! I want to test it out at least once. He just has to literally sleep beside me. If I at least get six hours of sleep, then I'm not going to ask him again".

He shook his head again, "How are you going to ask him in the first place? 'Gulf, I suffer from insomnia and nightmares. You're the only one who can help me, can you please sleep with me?' Do you think that will work on him?".

"I don't know, maybe?".

"Mew! Of course it won't!" Off sighed.

I also sighed in defeat. I haven't felt like this in forever. I've been sleeping for only two hours still but at least the nightmares have stopped. This was a big improvement and I'm wondering if I can push this further, but then again it's impossible for Gulf to agree. He's probably already creeped out by the fact that I keep staring at him. Oh, and I told him he's cute.

"Mew, as your best friend, I can sense this is desperation and honestly, I want you to get better too" he sighed, "At least get to know him first before you ask him".

"You think he'll eventually say yes?"

"I don't know, man. You can try. Just remember something, though". Off pointed a finger at me.


"He's not your type". 

Author's note:
Mew's POV finally hahaha

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