18: Friend

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"Mew..Hey, Mew".

Zee was trying to wake me up, but my head still hurts. I don't want to get out of bed yet. I turned to Gulf's side but I couldn't feel his presence. I finally opened my eyes to see he wasn't there.

"Where's Gulf?". I stretched my arms and felt all sorts of ache all over my body. I don't really remember everything from last night. I'm not exactly sure how I got home either.

"I don't know where he is but your friend's here", Zee answered. "I forgot his name, but we drank with him last night. Dude, both of you guys should really cut down on the drinking".

"Wait, was Gulf drunk too? Shit. Did he get home safely? Did he come home at all?!". I quickly shot up, which made my head spin. I started to panic a little. The last thing that I clearly remember was I handed him my drink. I shouldn't have allowed myself to get so buzzed.

"Relax! He didn't drink. Also, Gulf practically carried you all the way here", Zee told me. "Anyway, your friend's in the living room. I'm heading back to bed".

I walked out of the room with Zee and saw Pleum sitting on the sofa.

"Pleum", I called him.

"Oh, Mew! Hey, I'm sorry I didn't bring you home like I always do. I went to the bathroom and when I came back you were gone!", he exclaimed.

"Shh, Pleum. Keep your voice down". He was talking too loud. "I went home with Gulf".

He laughed. "Of course you did. You know, you guys look good together".

"Shut up, Pleum", I pushed him lightly. "Why are you here?"

He showed the plastic bag he was holding in front of me and grinned like an idiot. "Congee".


"The best hangover food".


It's almost lunch time. Pleum left a few minutes ago saying he had to meet up with his girlfriend. Gulf hasn't come back yet. It also doesn't help that he won't reply to my messages. Where the hell is he? I'm starting to get worried.

Zee, Saint, and I were sitting on the sofa with our heads rested back. I kind of feel bad that they're so hungover but I really just wanted to spend more time with them since they're fun to be around. Zee and Saint, when I first met them, I wasn't really sure what to think of the two. Saint was always quiet and minded his own business but when Zee moved in, I knew something was going on between them. Let's just say, I had to buy noise canceling headphones to get me through most nights. I'm happy for them, though.

I heard our doorbell ring and Saint got up to see who it was. He emerged from the hallway after a while with Gulf on his side. I stood up and went to him. He looks so sweaty and exhausted.

"Where were you? Why weren't you answering your phone?", I asked him.

"Sorry, I was in a rush", He wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"What's that?". Saint pointed at the plastic bag Gulf brought with him. Before Gulf could answer, Saint took it from him and exclaimed. "Oh! Beef noodles! This looks good! Wait, there's only one bowl?".

"What do you mean 'only one bowl'?", Zee approached us.

"Mew, um...did you eat yet?", Gulf asked me in a shy manner. Wait, beef noodles? Did he go all the way to my favorite restaurant just to bring me my comfort food? How did he go there? That place is too far to walk to.

"Really? You only bought food for Mew? Wow, Gulf. I am hurt as your best friend", Saint blurted.

"Wow, Gulf. I am hurt as your best friend's...um...person". Zee added.

I was speechless. He went out of his way to do this for me. I couldn't stop myself from smiling so wide. He tried to hand me the bag and I was about to thank him but Zee interrupted.

"Gulf! Mew already ate! His friend came over and fed him soup like a husband! Just give the noodles to me!", Zee whined, earning him a loud smack on the back from Saint.

"Zee! Shut the fuck up!", Saint scolded him.

Gulf retreated his hand and the small smile on his face was gone. He was frowning. "Here. You guys share". He handed the food to Zee and walked away. He quickly went to his room and I was about to follow him inside but he shut the door and locked it.

"Nice one, Zee! You just made Gulf mad", Saint said sarcastically.

"What? I'm hungry! I didn't think he'd take it seriously!", Zee defended himself.

Saint grabbed the plastic bag from Zee and handed it to me. "Here, Mew. This is yours. It's still hot. Sorry about this idiot".

I held the bowl underneath and it was still warm. I opened the bag and saw that there was medicine as well. Gulf went to the restaurant and stopped by the pharmacy too? Why did he have to go through so much trouble?


He hasn't gone outside his room yet. He's been there for hours. I have no idea what he's doing. He won't answer the door or read any of my messages.

I walked out of my room to go to the bathroom. Just as I was about to go inside, the door opened. He had a towel around his neck, with his hair all wet. He tried to walk past me. He's still trying to ignore me? I had no choice. I pushed him back inside the bathroom. I sat him on the toilet seat and blocked the door from the inside. He still won't look at me.

"Gulf...", I called him. "Please stop avoiding me".

"I'm not avoiding you", he said quietly while staring at the wall.

"Then why won't you talk to me?".

"I just don't feel like talking, okay?", he argued. "Can I go now?".

I stood in front of him, blocking his way out. I held his face up so he would look at me. He's eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were all pouty. "You're irritated. I know those beef noodles were from the restaurant. It must have been tiring to get there and all the way back here. Yes, I already ate before you came, but it's not like I was going to reject the food. How did you even go there? Did you take a bus? I'm sorry for making you feel like your efforts were wasted. Don't be upset, Gulf. Please?".

"You really think the reason why I'm upset is because I had to commute far to buy you your favorite food?", he suddenly asked.

"Are you upset about something else?".

He grabbed my hands and removed them from his face. "Never mind. Yeah, I was upset about that".

I sighed. I helped him stand up from the toilet seat then I embraced him. "Thank you, Gulf. I really appreciate everything you do for me. You're such a good friend. Are we okay now?".

He patted my back. "Yeah. We're okay".

I released him and looked him in the eye. "So...your room or mine?".

He gave me a quick smile, "Yours". 

THROUGH THE NIGHT (MEWGULF)Where stories live. Discover now