25: A good night

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[Mature content ahead]


"Have a good night, sir!", the convenience store clerk greeted me good bye.

I was on my way home and I couldn't wait to see Gulf. It's been almost a week since the night at the bar and since then I've been feeling as if I'm walking on clouds everyday. It's like a heavy weight just got lifted from my shoulders from the moment I said I loved him.

I don't know why I was so scared to admit everything. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow or even far into the future anyway, so why do I have to keep preventing myself from living the life I want; the life where I'm happy with Gulf? It's no use to worry about things that I don't know. I'll just focus on today. I'll focus on the person who made me realize that I don't have to be so afraid. And, no matter what happens, I'll be by his side from now on. I'll fight for Gulf if I have to.

I got to the house and he was sitting on the sofa eating a tub of ice cream alone. His legs were up in front of him with his knees against his chest. He kept laughing to himself. Is he watching something? I looked at the television and saw that he was watching cartoons. How is he so precious?

I sat next to him, pulling him closer to me. "I missed you today, baby", I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck.

"Mew, I might spill on the sofa!", he whined, pushing me away. He held his ice cream tub tight like his life depended on it. "Oh, by the way, are you busy next Saturday?", he asked me.

"Next Saturday?". I checked what date it was on my phone. "Oh, I have to meet someone in the morning, why?".

"Oh, okay. Nevermind". He went back to eating his ice cream and watching the show on the TV.

"Gulf, what's on that day? I can postpone my schedule if it's important". I stroked the back of his head.

"No, no, it's fine. I just wanted you to come with me to visit my aunt. I'll go on Saturday and we can go together on Sunday if that works for you better". He smiled at me.

"Okay. I'm good with Sunday". I reassured him. "You want me to meet your aunt? Do you think she'll like me?".

He laughed, "Mew, she'll love you, because I love you. So don't worry. She's an angel".

"Okay. By the way, can I have some?". I pointed at his ice cream.

"No", he deadpanned. He moved further from me like he doesn't even want me to get a look at his dessert.

"Why not?", I pouted, pulling his sleeve.

"This is mine! This isn't just any other ice cream, Mew. This stuff's always sold out. I've been trying to buy this flavor for so long!", he explained, taking another spoonful of it. He's such a baby.

"Where'd you buy it then?".

"Bright bought it for me. He said the grocery near his apartment had it and––"

"Bright got it for you?", I repeated.

He stopped talking and realized what he said. He knows I'm a little uncomfortable with him being so close to his ex. I already found out that Bright was actually trying to piss me off on purpose to try to make me jealous. It worked and I'm thankful for him since it brought me closer to Gulf, but I'm still slightly insecure of him. Bright has known Gulf for so long and he has been with him in more ways than I've ever had. I can't help but to feel like I need to prove myself more.

"Mew, you know he's just being nice. It's nothing, okay?", he moved closer. "Here, have some".

He took a sizable amount of whatever flavor it was and moved the spoon closer to me. He looked at me with puppy eyes, waiting for me to open my mouth. I should tease him a little.

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