29: A sudden change of plans

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We got out of bed a little later than usual. We're supposed to be at his Aunt's house in less than an hour. He says it's not that far but we might have to go through traffic and a few narrow streets to get there. He showered ahead of me and he's in his bedroom dressing up right now. He seems really excited for today, so I couldn't tell him that I've been feeling out of it since I woke up.

"What if", I said to myself. I was staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror with such an uneasy mood.

I'd be lying if I say that I wasn't bothered or that I wasn't thinking about how Gulf's parents died. The way he described it and the fact that someone else was involved; it makes me think that it might not be a coincidence after all. What if Type and his parents...

Wait. No. I should stop thinking like this. I shouldn't assume so quickly. Maybe both accidents happened at the same time but in different places. That's possible, right? There's no way they were all in the same place at the same time. It couldn't have happened like that. I promised Gulf I wasn't going to see him differently and I feel like I'm here now trying to break that promise. No. I love him and it's all just a big coincidence. Type and his parents' deaths aren't related.

I took a deep breath one more time, put on my clothes, and got out of the bathroom. I have to bury this heavy feeling and just forget about it for now. It's no use to keep imagining things that may have never actually happened. It's wrong for me to think this way. I can't do this to Gulf.

I knocked on his door and opened it. He was at his desk, packing up his bag.

"Oh, Mew. Are we leaving?", he asked as he closed the zipper of his backpack.

Suddenly, looking at him right now makes me want to ask him more about what he told me last night. But, I can't. At least not right now. He looks so chipper and I don't want to ruin his mood.

"Yeah, let me just grab my keys". I told him and headed for my bedroom.

"Oh, wait!". I turned around and he rushed to where I was standing. "Look at this!". He held his arm up in front of me. Around his wrist was a leather bracelet with a silver charm on it. It looks like a moon.

"What's that?", I asked.

"It's my parents' gift!", he exclaimed. He brought his hand closer to his own face and examined it with a huge smile. "My aunt gave this to me yesterday. She kept it all these years. The police found this at the site of the crash. This bracelet is the last thing they left for me".

He stared at the piece of jewelry with much fondness. "Look. There's even a phrase written on the back", he turned the charm over to show me what was embedded.

"Through the night".

My heart dropped. I felt chills all over. I could suddenly hear Type's voice in my head. I can't wait to see you tonight, Mew. You're going to love my surprise.

Panic quickly started to kick in and it felt like the whole room was spinning. Shit. This is what I was afraid of. This is what I didn't want to happen. I didn't know how else to react. I didn't know what to say to him. I felt the pace of my breathing going faster and faster. My hands started to tremble and my mind was going blank.

"Mew? Are you okay?".

"Th-that's not y-yours".


"Th-that bracelet. It's not yours, Gulf". I couldn't even speak properly.

"Huh? What are you saying?".

THROUGH THE NIGHT (MEWGULF)Where stories live. Discover now