Chapter 2. A (New Kind of) Normal Mission

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I do not own this story. It originally belongs to EvilFuzzy9 which was republished by Fpsroxas.

Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


Naruto swore when he realized that he was late for a mission assignment, even by Kagome-sensei's standards. Odds were even that either Sakura or Sasuki would kill him if he didn't get there now.

Running back out into the hall, half-dressed, Naruto dashed to his room, running in to grab his forehead-protector and shuriken holster. He threw on his usual orange and black coat, grabbing a small, multi-purpose storage scroll and a half dozen kunai, as well as well as a knapsack packed with the sorts of various odds and ends that could always prove useful on a long term mission.

Last of all, as he used all the speed and grace inherited from his parents and cultivated by his training to flip out the nearest window and dash down the side of the house. The wind whipped in his face and tore at his clothes as he shot like an arrow from the bow, leaping from the side of the house once he reached the halfway point.

Closing his eyes for second, Naruto focused on his navel and willed forth a bit of kyuubi chakra: just enough to give his shunshin an extra boost. The instant he landed in the street, he flexed his legs and pushed, kicking back off the ground in an extra-potent body flicker. He disappeared in a blur of orange and yellow.


A fraction of a second later, a blond, whiskered comet impacted the side of the Hokage Tower, just outside the eponymous figure's office. A bit of plaster fell from the ceiling within as the walls of the structure shook from the force of the collision, and the eyebrows of a certain buxom, blonde medic-nin began to twitch.

"NARUTO!" she shouted in a commanding tone, her voice causing the windows to rattle. "Get in here!"

Naruto sheepishly poked his head in the window, smiling nervously at the glowering faces of the hokage and his teammates.

"Uhh... Yo?" he said nervously, hopping in through the window.

"You're late!" Sakura snapped at him angrily. "Even Kagome-sensei arrived before you!" She jabbed a thumb rudely in the direction of a curvy, masked, silver-haired kunoichi dressed in the tragically conservative standard shinobi uniform of the Leaf, with a forehead protector slanted over one eye.

"Yo, Naruto," said the woman casually, only briefly raising an eye from the garish piece of backroom literature written by the infamous Toad Sage Miraiya. She was smiling at him, as near as he could tell, and her visible eye was pointed down below his belt.

He smirked at her knowingly, and Kagome's smile widened. Sakura sighed, exasperated, and shook her head, cheeks slightly pink as she watched Naruto and their sensei mentally undress one another.

"What was the mission you wanted us for, Tsunade?" said Sasuki, cutting through with awkward tension with her usual degree of tact and delicacy. Nonetheless, this was sufficient to get everyone focusing back on the matter at hand, and the Hokage smiled softly.

"Yes," she said, "Your mission..." Tsunade paused to shuffle through the papers on her desk before continuing. "The other day, a border patrol captured three Cloud kunoichi trespassing in Leaf territory," said Tsunade with an air of authority and discipline. "We do not know what they were doing here, but we have reason to believe they may have been sent to scout the village's defenses. None of our attempts to extract information from them has been successful, so it is up to you, Team Seven, to make use of your... unique interrogation methods."

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