Chapter 5. Boldly Shameless

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I do not own this story. It originally belongs to EvilFuzzy9 which was republished by Fpsroxas.

Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


Tsunade looked over the paper in her hands, reading the written mission report. She had a pleased look on her face, smiling softly as she scanned her eyes across the sheet's contents. She hummed thoughtfully, reaching the last line of the account.

"So Kabuko has agreed to cooperate, then? And the Kumo kunoichi were successfully broken down?" she said, setting the paper down on her desk and looking up at the members of Team Seven. She leaned forward a little, resting her chest on the desktop and folding her hands in front of her face in a spot on Gendo Ikari impression. "Mm. Excellent work, you four."

She leaned a little more forward, her bosom pressing into the surface of her desk. A good deal of her bountiful, generous cleavage was exposed, and her deep brown eyes were strongly zeroed in on the blond member of the squad.

"Especially you, Naruto," she added. "I understand you broke down their defenses?"

The jinchuuriki chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Heh heh, yeah..." he said. "It wasn't easy, but I got 'em to talk."

Tsunade nodded, and she was looking intently into his eyes.

"You also marked those three Cloud kunoichi as Uzumaki property, correct?" she said shrewdly.

Naruto blushed. "Er... Yeah, I did. They seemed pretty eager for it, though. Why?" he asked. "It's not a problem, right?"

The Fifth Hokage sighed, but she was smiling. She shook her head.

"No," said Tsunade, "I have a feeling it will be just fine. You're responsible for their well-being, though. So take good care of them." She then turned her attention to the team as a whole. "Naruto, Sasuki, Sakura! You three are dismissed. And, Kagome! I have a bit more business with you."

All four nodded, voicing their comprehension, and Kagome's students turned and left the office while Miss Hatake herself stayed behind to confer with Tsunade.


Outside the building, Naruto and his teammates walked down the village's main street. Sakura was humming jumbled snatches of music to herself, and Sasuki was walking noticeably close to her rival. She was pressing herself up right next to him, literally rubbing shoulders with the famous male jinchuuriki. She was not shy of showing her claim on the blond, platonic or otherwise, and while she was certainly willing to share she was nonetheless very possessive in her own curious way.

And, certainly, Naruto was the object of countless lustful glances from the village people, the sizable bulge of his groin quite visible through his trousers, which it should be noted were otherwise not even remotely formfitting or skintight, in particular being thoroughly ogled and admired.

"I assume we're still on for tonight?" Sasuki purred, leaning casually into Naruto's side as they walked. His body was hard and warm, and she could feel the outline of his muscles even through his clothes.

"Sure we are!" said Naruto, giving her a bright grin. He planted a light, but nonetheless suggestive peck on Sasuki's cheek, before turning his head to look at his other teammate. "Hey, Sakura-chan!" he said "You wanna come with me and Sasuki, maybe make this twosome a threesome?" He waggled his eyebrows and grinned suggestively, making it quite obvious exactly what he meant.

Sakura blushed.

"Um, n-no thanks..." the pinkette stammered nervously, steam practically coming out of her ears. "Sorry, but... b-but, I've gotta go home and help my moms with... um... Bye!"

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