Chapter 6. Big Babe Duumverate

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I do not own this story. It originally belongs to EvilFuzzy9 which was republished by Fpsroxas.

Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


When Naruto saw two beautiful, Uchiha babes come up to him with desperation in their eyes and pink in their cheeks, he knew at once what they wanted from him. He could sense their emotions, after all, and pretty much the only thing he could feel coming from them was unadulterated lust.

Naruto might not have recognized these girls as anyone he knew, but that had hardly deterred him from lending a hand before. Plus he was feeling really horny himself, at the moment, so his interests were almost certainly intersecting with the interests of these two cute and randy strangers.

"Heya!" he said with a cocky grin. "Like what you see?"

The blond removed his hand from his crotch to point, without an ounce of subtlety or tact, at the massive tent in his trousers. Then he did a couple of short pelvic thrusts to emphasize, and winked suggestively at the pair.

In spite of themselves, Obito and Madara only got more turned on by this, and they practically swooned at Naruto's feet.

"Yes," said the normally proud and stubborn but currently so-horny-it-hurt Madara Uchiha through clenched teeth, and her hands started scrabbling senselessly again at her armor. She was so desperate to strip, it seemed, that she couldn't even remove how to take it off.

"And then some," added the second girl, Obito "Tobi" Uchiha who was currently wanting nothing more than to be fucked by this gorgeous Adonis. She was visibly salivating, staring without an once of shame straight at Naruto's crotch.

Naruto chuckled, absentmindedly noticing that both of them appeared to have the rinnegan, like Pain-chan. The second one even had a sharingan, too. How odd.

"Well, I can say the same for me," he told them with a waggle of his eyebrows, playfully leering at Obito and Madara's very feminine figures. The two blushed under the cheerful scrutiny of those gleaming cerulean eyes, and they whimpered softly at the feeling of an exponentially increased wetness in their vaginas.

"You do?" said Madara, uncharacteristically giddy at the thought that Naruto might enjoy the sight of her body.

"Do you... think we're pretty?" whimpered Obito bashfully, unable to function at all properly with so much burning lust inundating her mind, body, and soul.

Naruto laughed. "Pretty?" he said, taking a short body flicker forward to move behind the pair and smack them both playfully on the rear. "Baby, I think you're smokin'." He gave her a Fonzie signature double-pointing thumbs up and a click of the tongue and a wink.

Obito's heart did gymnastics, and she suddenly felt far too hot to be so heavily dressed. Her cheeks were bright red, and she raised a hand to the scarred and creased side of her face.

"You... You really think so...?" she asked nervously, feeling far too invested in Naruto's opinion for it to possibly be healthy.

He smirked, and wrapped an arm around her waist, slipping a thumb down the waist of her trousers.

"I know so," he told her confidently, causing what little resistance Obito may have still had to crack.

"Take me now," she said to him, her mismatched eyes boring intensely into his. She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body tightly and desperately against his. "I need this."

Madara scowled at Obito, feeling oddly jealous of the attention her stupid distant descendant was getting from their flaxen haired Casanova.

Naruto grinned, feeling the pleasant sensation of this stranger basically spooning him standing up.

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