Chapter 33. Nmai Waifu

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I do not own this story. It originally belongs to EvilFuzzy9 which was republished by Fpsroxas.

Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


Guren and Kimiko led the Leaf ninja inside. They reached the end of the entry ramp, and exited into a great vomitorium. Arching doorways ringed the inner wall, marked with simple and easy to remember alphanumeric designations.

Yet more posters adorned these inner walls, declaring dates and times for concerts and events, most of which starred or featured around the curiously young-looking Orochiko. As before, the pale and petite brunette seemed to wear a different outfit in every poster, and many of her poses in the illustrations straddled the line between cutely precocious and outright risque.

Kagerou was smiling, and she walked with an unusual spring in her step as the two Sound jonin led them toward gate D-2. Her usually pale cheeks had rosy flush to them, now, and her eyes glistened with a sudden, unexpected verve.

"It's been so long since we've gotten to attend one of Occhin-sama's concerts!" squealed Sasame, skipping delightedly through the doorway. Her bare chest bounced with the movement of her body, delighting Miraiya and Mikoto, and her assless/crotchless pants left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

Even as the white-haired Sage Priestess and the dark-haired Uchiha matriarch leered delightedly at Sasame's body (their own nude forms being appreciatively ogled by a cheerful Naruto), they could the sounds of cheering, and a peppy instrumental, drifted through to their ears. It got louder, the further in they went.

It was pretty obvious, by now, just what purpose this structure served Oto. It was a concert hall. And Occhin was clearly its star attraction, a feared S-rank kunoichi turned lolita pop idol.

They emerged into the stadium, the arena of song. Vaulted ceilings arched high over their heads, support pillars and bracing beams carved into the likeness of mighty serpents were poised and coiled in neat yet artistic arrangement. The auditorium's seats rose up high, divided into several tiers and sections. Architectural plateaus couched up behind one another, countless rows of seats set into the artifical steppes, each line rising a little higher than the one before it.

Long stairways, seeming as straight and slender as the willow's slightest branches, split the sections of seats into more manageable portions. They proceeded in dozens from all of the gates, like the spokes of a wheel in three dimensions, the center pushed down while the rims were raised up.

And at the midst of all this, in the very heart of the gigantic auditorium, was a raised stage. Every light in the auditorium was focused upon the figure on that stage, a lass slight and slender. She was fair of face, skin white as snow. Her hair was like jet, or the blackest obsidian, every smooth and silken strand glinting and gleaming with the lights of a million stars.

The breaths of the Konoha ninja – all excepting the unflappable Miraiya – caught in their throats. Their hearts, as one, skipped a beat.

Four Otogakure kunoichi smiled adoringly down upon the stage, where their idol and mistress gave her offerings to Benten, Dionysus, and all the other innumerable gods and goddesses throughout all the mythologies and legends of humanity. She honored with peerless skill the legacies, the dominions, of all the divine patrons of song, and dance, and theater.

Naruto let out a long, low whistle.

"Hot damn," he murmured. "She's good."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" said Sasame, turning to beam warmly at the blond. "Her singing."

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