Chapter 36. Sharingan Wedding

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I do not own this story. It originally belongs to EvilFuzzy9 which was republished by Fpsroxas.

Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


It was a busy day in the Hokage's office. Paperwork was stacked high on Tsunade's desk – requisition forms to fill, quarterly expense reports to analyze, mission requests to sort through, the usual.

Tsunade couldn't help but occasionally regret taking on the job, whenever she found herself faced with this kind of ordeal. While most of the paperwork necessary to keep the village running smoothly was handled by non-combatant clerical ninja, there were nonetheless still many papers that needed the Fifth's Hancock. So she couldn't just skip out on this part of the job.

Not without getting in trouble with Shizune, at least. But, while filling out forms was not especially taxing work, perhaps, it wasn't exactly stimulating, either. Physically OR mentally. Only around one out every ten forms actually required any real scrutiny on Tsunade's part, and most of those that did were still easily dealt with.

As far as bureacracies went, the Leaf's was one of the more efficient. The various departments were mostly capable of operating without direct input from the hokage, only requiring her signature for a relative handful of important documents.

Tsunade's only REAL job, presently, was to ease the inevitable transition of leadership from herself to Naruto, once he got back.

She sighed wearily, stamping another sheet.

It wasn't actually a hard job to take care of the paperwork which came her way. Just boring. For the most part, the village could function perfectly fine without Tsunade's input, and it generally did just that. She wasn't a bureacrat. She wasn't expected to be. In times of peace like these, a kage was mostly just a figurehead, a symbol to inspire the people of the village. Technically all she had to do was "stand there and look pretty," as her predecessor Mina had said before pawning the hat off on her.

But Shizune always insisted that Tsunade should take a more active role in the village government, particularly now that her successor was all but in the seat himself. The young, single woman was strongly devoted to her aunt's former lover, and often took it upon herself to motivate the famously fickle Fifth.

Tsunade sighed wearily as she pressed her personal seal onto the ink pad, before slapping it down on an intel report from Ibiko at T&I.

Come to think of it... she mused, her considerable bosom resting on the surface of the desk. ...I haven't seen Shizune around much, lately. She's been acting strange, and doesn't talk as much. Almost like she's distracted...

Tsunade then grinned, and she chuckled heartily.

"Well! That girl has probably just found herself a lover, or something! About time, I'd say."

And so dismissing her own concerns, the Fifth Hokage turned her attention back to signing forms.

I hope she found herself someone nice and cute, Tsunade idly mused. She deserves it!


Short, black tresses fell down the sides of a cute, plain feminine face. The soft, silky locks framed glassy, half-lidded eyes and dimpled, rosy cheeks. Full, plump lips – sweet and juicy, delectably kissable – formed an 'O', the most adorably pitiful whimpers escaping that pretty little mouth.

Shizune squirmed, feeling triply aware of her body's every womanly member as deft, faintly calloused hands traveled across her modest, smallish breasts. Lightly tanned fingers pinched and tweaked the medic ninja's peaking nipples, brusquely tickling the sensitive gooseflesh of her stimulated bosom. The soft, pert lumps of Shizune's bosom tingled wonderfully beneath masterful ministrations.

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